The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sing, Sing Out Loud, Sing Out Strong...

That is exactly what he did... Woo Hoo Woo Hoo!!  Nathaniel had his first school program.  A Christmas program called 'It was kind of Quiet'.  They sang ~5 songs.  

1) "I'm ready to take a step" 2) "Mary Gave Her Boy a Name" 3) "It was kind of quiet" 4) "Sparkle and Shine" 5) "Get Excited/Go Tell it on the Mountain" 

He tends to still be a little uncomfortable in large crowds so I was unsure how he'd do with all the parents in the audience, plus all the other kids in the program.  It was his class plus all the other preschool classes.  That is a lot of kids.  

I honestly wasn't sure if he would even get up there.  Or maybe once he was up there if he'd see me and look a little like a deer in headlights.  Or cry.  Or just stand there.  Or the one thing you never want to see a nervous picking of the nose.  I tried to stay a little towards the back so he wouldn't see me directly hoping it would help.  

I was so proud of him.  He actually sang and looked like he was having a good time.  He swayed to the music and looked around at the other kids during the songs.  As soon as he rushed off the stage when it was over to me he was ready to go (not the social butterfly) but I was so happy he pulled it off.  Another big milestone as a parent - the FIRST school program.  I can't wait to see a million more :)  I remember going and watching my sister in programs more than actually being in them myself.  Funny to be on the other side watching your kid up there.  I of course took him for a special treat afterwords to congratulate him on his big singing debut.

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