The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 24, 2011

No Santa Tracker Here

Nathaniel is a little too young to understand Christmas this year, but maybe next year. That doesn't mean we didn't have him in several holiday themed outfits throughout the month. Onesies with penguins and reindeer are just too cute to pass up. We read Twas the night before Christmas and Santa Claus is coming to town tonight to him before bed. Yep, he basically talked through both stories (cute as always) We will read polar Express tomorrow :) He was a very good boy in church tonight. There was a time or two I thought he might start talking when the pastor was talking... that might have been a little funny - he didn't though.

I hope to blog a bit more soon (at least every other day) I am getting a new computer battery, YAY. My battery dies so quick now so it makes it hard to have Nathaniel and blog. Anyway, look for more blogging after the new year Woo Hoo.

Here is a pic or two from tonight. I need to get back to my egg nog and A Christmas Story.  Merry Christmas Eve to everyone.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Story Time

Every night before bed Kevin or I (mostly Kevin so he can have daddy time) read a story or two or three to Nathaniel. We are reading Christmas stories to him this month. There are a few in the book that I have never heard of, but most of the stories are good ol' classics. When Kevin is reading to Nate I am usually sitting in the family room. The family room is close enough to the master bedroom that I can sort of hear what is going on during story time. It is the cutest thing. I can hear Kevin reading the first story ... then I can hear him start the second story. It is about this time that Nathaniel starts talking. He talks so much during the story. It is so cute. So basically I can hear Kevin reading the story, but also talking back to Nate. Apparently, the little dude has A LOT to say at the end of the day. I always think he is going to be too hyper to go to bed after all of the talking, but (knock on wood) he usually goes to sleep. I just love hearing the baby babble during story time with dad.

The other day I had a *Nate Note* about how he sleeps - I managed to get a picture today.  I didn't realize how loud the camera was until I took the picture.  He sort of made a monkey noise, but fell back to sleep THANKFULLY.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tummy Time = Bummer Time

We have not even come close to giving Nathaniel the recommended amount of tummy time. We are slackers when it comes to this... You are suppose to do it a lot and from the moment you get home from hospital. The poor little guy will never develop his neck muscles and motor skills if we have anything to do with it.

I have been so bad about it because he looks so miserable doing tummy time. He just lays there on his face and cries :( I position his arms and stuff to help him, but he is still so sad. Plus, he almost always spits up when he is on his stomach. So then he is crying laying in his own spit up. This is not a pretty scene. I'd rather have him on his back smiling at me. I have tried various time frames after eating to see if it would help with the spit up, but so far he still does it no matter what. It is like a mine field of wet spots by the time we are done with tummy time.

I bought a tummy time exercise mat to help, but he isn't liking that much more. It is a little cloth surf board with a chest pillow to help him build up his arms (baby push ups) and neck muscles. Hopefully after a couple more times he will like it more.

As he is getting older we are stepping up our efforts - even though it is a big **bummer** of a time for everyone. I'm sure we didn't help ourselves by not getting him used to it early on - wish us (and Baby Nate) some big time, tummy time luck!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Holiday Hoopla

An action *sleepy* shot from our Christmas photo shoot

Well, its official, it is nearly impossible for me to get done what I want for the holidays.  Granted I love the holidays and maybe got a little too ambitious in my head.  What sounds great and what is doable are two very different things with a 2 month old in the house.  Cards, stuff for Nate for his FIRST Christmas, baking, shopping, watching cheesy holiday movies, decorating, crafts.... it is hard to squeeze that into 15 minutes of free time a day LOL.  So far I've watched 2 cheesy holiday movies and sort of shopped.  

My shopping can best be described as quick little whirlwinds.  Once Nathaniel goes down for the night at around 7 or 8 I run out super quick to a store or two.  The problem with late night shopping is that by this time I'm actually starting to get tired and lazy so I fade out REAL quick. (I know this doesn't sound like me because normally late night is when I'm at my best - my night owl ways have been considerably changed since Baby Nate)  Kevin and I did run to a few places this weekend and Nate actually didn't mind, he was pretty content.  If I'm being completely honest some of our shopping goes like this now...  If it is a <10 min shopping task and I just have to run in, grab something and go, Kevin drops me off and circles with Nate so that he stays sleeping or at least not crying.  I then text and get picked back up.  There is no lolly gagging in this method.  Truth be told this may be some of Kevin's favorite holiday shopping since he doesn't actually have to shop.  I'm sure he prefers driving around to shopping in crowds ;)

You might think I'd be taking full advantage of internet shopping then - That seems logical and smart, right?  I have had 3 different *good deals* in my carts at various stores that have gone away.  I missed out because once I got around to getting my credit card it was too late.  Something will come up (maybe Nate is hungry, etc.) so I leave the computer come back and my deals are gone.  

I'll be the first one to tell you my time management is hovering around a C+.  Although I'm getting a lot better.  I am certainly learning my way around Nate and it is becoming easier to time showers and eating etc since I can read his moods better.  We have had better outings too since I kind of know whether he is going to cry the whole time or maybe be ok.  A lot is dependent on if there are raspberry sounds and if he gets heavy eyed on my drive around the neighborhood before headed towards stores.  He still does NOT like to be stopped at any point in the car (I don't know if I mentioned this yet).  If we are at a red light the waterworks start, then they stop as you drive again.  This makes shopping in the crowded area of Cool Springs where I live very hard during the holidays.  He has to be asleep or on the verge to make it through all of the lights and traffic delays because of the crowds.  Too many stops and we are pretty much headed home because the crying just escalates.  Nate is a big fan of constant motion.

The baking is a challenge because if Nate does get up or gets cranky in the middle of a recipe I can't just leave the baking stuff sitting around. Hooligan Mocha would eat everything and it would be a disaster :)  He is lucky he is a cuddly dude.  Actually I think dogs and babies are so super cute just so you forget anything bad that they do.  If Nate smiles I forget all the crying from the previous hour.  Just like if Mocha lays his head on my lap and snuggles I forget he just ran off with my shoe.  That is their genetic trick... or I'm just a sucker.  Probably the latter.

Nate Note:  One thing Nate has been obsessed with since he could see them is ceiling fans.  He started staring at them almost right when he got home from the hospital.  I remember he looked at them when my sister was here, which was when he was still only a week or two old.  The fan isn't on or anything either.  I think it is the contrast of the roof and fan blades.  He likes the big star shape.  If you are holding him and turn away from the fan he will strain to try and see it again.  We thought maybe it was just the fan in our room, but he is equally excited about the one in the family room.  He will even giggle to himself when he looks at it, I'm not sure what is so exciting to him, but he cracks himself up.  I made a few flashcards with shapes and happy faces for him and I added a shape similar to the fan and he likes that too.  Although the yellow happy face is what he most enjoys from the flash cards (I just used sticky back foam sheets and cardstock and created the flashcards)   

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Kona a.k.a. Houdini

It has been awhile since I updated everyone on the status of how the dogs are doing around Nathaniel. The dogs are doing GREAT. As a matter of fact we are all getting used to sleeping in the same room again. 4 of us in the bed and little Nathaniel in his pack n play. For awhile I had Nathaniel sleeping in a little bassinet on the bed. It was easier for me with the c section stuff and he liked the vibration and the hammocky feeling so he slept better. Also, I couldn't chance the dogs jumping or sleeping on my belly after the surgery so it was just easier if the dogs slept somewhere else. To keep the dogs from whining too much Kevin slept with them in another room. Sleeping with us has been their routine for years and years so I expected them to whine since they are creatures of habit. Kevin was getting more sleep this way anyway for work since I was getting up several times for Nate.

Well, Nate is now sleeping only in his pack n play and I feel almost healed so our sleep routine is back to normal. Granted I shoosh the dogs a bit more than I used to when Nate is sleeping. They really could care less when I get up to take care of him. I'm not sure they even really wake up anymore. I can even feed Nate right next to them and they don't even move they just sleep.

This isn't to say Mocha doesn't like to super sniff Nate on occasion (especially when he poops) and I have to constantly dog proof the room. Mocha finds every abandoned binky or burp rag or sock. Kona mostly just likes to lick Nate's feet and be near us. Overall, our little family is blending nicely.

There is one thing Kona has learned that I think is quite smart. Weimaraners are known for their escape skills. Usually if you enclose a weimaraner it will find a way out or at least try very very hard to get out. Well, in a past post I mentioned we have a baby gate in the doorway of the master bedroom. This comes in handy when Nate is napping or I just want to keep the dogs out during the day for some reason. I tend not to latch the gate since you have to press down etc to get out and it is just easier to swing the door especially if I'm holding Nate. The door swings out from the room so usually when the dogs try to get in they end up latching the door so no worries, right? Well, my Houdini Kona has figured out how to open the door if it isn't latched. She nudges it slightly with her nose and gets it to open a little (remember the door opens out so this is pretty smart for her) then she nudges it some more and gets her head in there. She then bumps it open with her head and slithers in. The first time she did this I wasn't even paying attention, but all of a sudden I was like 'WHAT, how are you in here' then I watched the next time. She is sneaky. She only comes in if I'm in there. It is so funny. She just wants to be by us.
See how Mocha (yep Mocha is there he is a lil hard to see) and Kona just sleep. 
Nate is playing on his jungle mat and they could care less.

**I thought I would start something called 'Nate Note's' - this will be little memories or notes (Natisms) that I don't want to forget. **

Nate Note: We can tell he is really sleeping if he assumes a certain position. He lays with his head facing left, his arms stretched out on both sides of his head and his legs bent at the knees, but flat against the bed. If you touch your hands to your head and touch the bottoms of your feet together that is pretty much the position. He pretty much sleeps like this all night no matter when you check on him. BUT, only if he is in a deep sleep, which is still very rare during the day.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Going Bald

Am I going bald? (knock on wood). Seriously, I'm losing hair like I am growing a winter coat like Kona and Mocha. I was expecting to lose hair since everyone talks about it and it is written about everywhere, but boy it is a little scary. If this keeps up I'll have to have a comb over in the front to cover the holes. I know in my mind that I'm just losing the hair that didn't fall out due to a change in hormones during pregnancy. Logic and fact states that this hair is supposedly the hair that would have fallen out had I not been pregnant. I guess my head just kept it longer and now that I'm not pregnant it falls out. But, as I look at what falls out I am pretty sure the math doesn't add up on that theory. I'm not joking about the comb over ;)

On a side note I am wondering to myself 'why do pregnant women need extra hair'?  Why is hair retention one of the things triggered by pregnancy?'  I know vitamins etc. contribute, but it is a little strange. It isn't like you need to keep your head warmer or something for the babies health.. anyway .. 

I guess I better get used to all good things must come to an end. The nice pregnancy side effects anyway. It isn't just the hair, my glowing skin isn't as glowing either. I did enjoy a nicer complexion with Baby Nate growing inside of me. I'm assuming I won't be able to smell as good here soon too. I like having a super sniffer (Kevin not so much - he is probably ready for me not to be able to smell from across the room what kind of beer and appetizer he had after work). I'll probably have to stop wearing sweatpants here soon too because now I am just starting to look lazy, the c section excuse is wearing thin - haha

I'm not sure if Baby Nate is going to like to hang out with a bald and pimply mom who can't smell and wears the same sweat outfit every other day (j/k it is probably every third day) ...hhhmmm ;)

Nate is all ready to go Christmas shopping.  He is all decked out in the Reindeer outfit my mom gave him. 
Look at the reindeer feet

Thursday, December 1, 2011

2 Month Appt - :( SHOTS

Nathaniel seems to be healthy so that is always nice to hear at these appointments. Here are his stats since he started having appts.

9/30 - He was born and was 21 inches tall and 8 lbs 7 oz
10/11 - He was 11 days old and was 21 inches tall and 8 lbs 9 oz
10/24 - He was 3 and 3/7 wks old and was 21 3/4 inches tall and 9 lbs 9 oz
12/1 - He is 2 months old and 24 inches tall and 11 lbs 10 oz

The one thing that is still a little off is his sleep. Dr. Townsend would like us to try and make sure he gets a bit more sleep during the day and also make sure he sleeps after the evening (6 or 7 pm) feeding (even if we have to let him cry a little longer than normal). He does seem to sleep after the next feeding, which is usually around 9 or 10pm ish, but all the feedings earlier than this it is a bit of a struggle to get him to sleep. I still think he just takes after me and doesn't require much sleep; although I wish he'd cry less if that was the case ;)

He did get his shots - ALL FOUR of them :( Yes, I was teary eyed. His face turned so red it looked like Christmas. His thighs look like little baby pin cushions. The silver lining of seeing him in so much pain is now I know what that cry looks like if something is wrong with him. Having 3 shots and one oral seems like a lot of medical stuff to have put in his tiny little body all at once. I didn't do a ton of research on the shots because I knew if I read all of the pro and cons for vaccines I'd confuse myself. I am definitely pro vaccines for the most part, but I'm not always sure if we are overdoing it. Reading all of the side effects etc. is daunting and scary. I know that Kevin and I both had vaccines and didn't have adverse reactions so I am hoping he isn't allergic to anything as well. Granted vaccines have gotten quite a bit more pure since our day (which is a great thing). I'm not even sure if we got the same vaccines. As always I lean towards the side of medical science and think the positive technological advances substantially outweigh the negatives. However, I do keep a skeptical eye and sometimes follow the theory of, 'leave nature alone and let it do it's thing'. Regardless, it was hard to watch my cute little guy be so red! I guess this is one of the first times my heart was aching for my child - that parental **hurt** you feel when you are connected to something you love so much.

Anyway, here is a quick video to make you smile and a pic of Kona standing watch over Nate. I am pretty sure Kona is already claiming Nate as her own little guy to protect in the family.