The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 1, 2011

2 Month Appt - :( SHOTS

Nathaniel seems to be healthy so that is always nice to hear at these appointments. Here are his stats since he started having appts.

9/30 - He was born and was 21 inches tall and 8 lbs 7 oz
10/11 - He was 11 days old and was 21 inches tall and 8 lbs 9 oz
10/24 - He was 3 and 3/7 wks old and was 21 3/4 inches tall and 9 lbs 9 oz
12/1 - He is 2 months old and 24 inches tall and 11 lbs 10 oz

The one thing that is still a little off is his sleep. Dr. Townsend would like us to try and make sure he gets a bit more sleep during the day and also make sure he sleeps after the evening (6 or 7 pm) feeding (even if we have to let him cry a little longer than normal). He does seem to sleep after the next feeding, which is usually around 9 or 10pm ish, but all the feedings earlier than this it is a bit of a struggle to get him to sleep. I still think he just takes after me and doesn't require much sleep; although I wish he'd cry less if that was the case ;)

He did get his shots - ALL FOUR of them :( Yes, I was teary eyed. His face turned so red it looked like Christmas. His thighs look like little baby pin cushions. The silver lining of seeing him in so much pain is now I know what that cry looks like if something is wrong with him. Having 3 shots and one oral seems like a lot of medical stuff to have put in his tiny little body all at once. I didn't do a ton of research on the shots because I knew if I read all of the pro and cons for vaccines I'd confuse myself. I am definitely pro vaccines for the most part, but I'm not always sure if we are overdoing it. Reading all of the side effects etc. is daunting and scary. I know that Kevin and I both had vaccines and didn't have adverse reactions so I am hoping he isn't allergic to anything as well. Granted vaccines have gotten quite a bit more pure since our day (which is a great thing). I'm not even sure if we got the same vaccines. As always I lean towards the side of medical science and think the positive technological advances substantially outweigh the negatives. However, I do keep a skeptical eye and sometimes follow the theory of, 'leave nature alone and let it do it's thing'. Regardless, it was hard to watch my cute little guy be so red! I guess this is one of the first times my heart was aching for my child - that parental **hurt** you feel when you are connected to something you love so much.

Anyway, here is a quick video to make you smile and a pic of Kona standing watch over Nate. I am pretty sure Kona is already claiming Nate as her own little guy to protect in the family.

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