The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Kona a.k.a. Houdini

It has been awhile since I updated everyone on the status of how the dogs are doing around Nathaniel. The dogs are doing GREAT. As a matter of fact we are all getting used to sleeping in the same room again. 4 of us in the bed and little Nathaniel in his pack n play. For awhile I had Nathaniel sleeping in a little bassinet on the bed. It was easier for me with the c section stuff and he liked the vibration and the hammocky feeling so he slept better. Also, I couldn't chance the dogs jumping or sleeping on my belly after the surgery so it was just easier if the dogs slept somewhere else. To keep the dogs from whining too much Kevin slept with them in another room. Sleeping with us has been their routine for years and years so I expected them to whine since they are creatures of habit. Kevin was getting more sleep this way anyway for work since I was getting up several times for Nate.

Well, Nate is now sleeping only in his pack n play and I feel almost healed so our sleep routine is back to normal. Granted I shoosh the dogs a bit more than I used to when Nate is sleeping. They really could care less when I get up to take care of him. I'm not sure they even really wake up anymore. I can even feed Nate right next to them and they don't even move they just sleep.

This isn't to say Mocha doesn't like to super sniff Nate on occasion (especially when he poops) and I have to constantly dog proof the room. Mocha finds every abandoned binky or burp rag or sock. Kona mostly just likes to lick Nate's feet and be near us. Overall, our little family is blending nicely.

There is one thing Kona has learned that I think is quite smart. Weimaraners are known for their escape skills. Usually if you enclose a weimaraner it will find a way out or at least try very very hard to get out. Well, in a past post I mentioned we have a baby gate in the doorway of the master bedroom. This comes in handy when Nate is napping or I just want to keep the dogs out during the day for some reason. I tend not to latch the gate since you have to press down etc to get out and it is just easier to swing the door especially if I'm holding Nate. The door swings out from the room so usually when the dogs try to get in they end up latching the door so no worries, right? Well, my Houdini Kona has figured out how to open the door if it isn't latched. She nudges it slightly with her nose and gets it to open a little (remember the door opens out so this is pretty smart for her) then she nudges it some more and gets her head in there. She then bumps it open with her head and slithers in. The first time she did this I wasn't even paying attention, but all of a sudden I was like 'WHAT, how are you in here' then I watched the next time. She is sneaky. She only comes in if I'm in there. It is so funny. She just wants to be by us.
See how Mocha (yep Mocha is there he is a lil hard to see) and Kona just sleep. 
Nate is playing on his jungle mat and they could care less.

**I thought I would start something called 'Nate Note's' - this will be little memories or notes (Natisms) that I don't want to forget. **

Nate Note: We can tell he is really sleeping if he assumes a certain position. He lays with his head facing left, his arms stretched out on both sides of his head and his legs bent at the knees, but flat against the bed. If you touch your hands to your head and touch the bottoms of your feet together that is pretty much the position. He pretty much sleeps like this all night no matter when you check on him. BUT, only if he is in a deep sleep, which is still very rare during the day.

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