The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Going Bald

Am I going bald? (knock on wood). Seriously, I'm losing hair like I am growing a winter coat like Kona and Mocha. I was expecting to lose hair since everyone talks about it and it is written about everywhere, but boy it is a little scary. If this keeps up I'll have to have a comb over in the front to cover the holes. I know in my mind that I'm just losing the hair that didn't fall out due to a change in hormones during pregnancy. Logic and fact states that this hair is supposedly the hair that would have fallen out had I not been pregnant. I guess my head just kept it longer and now that I'm not pregnant it falls out. But, as I look at what falls out I am pretty sure the math doesn't add up on that theory. I'm not joking about the comb over ;)

On a side note I am wondering to myself 'why do pregnant women need extra hair'?  Why is hair retention one of the things triggered by pregnancy?'  I know vitamins etc. contribute, but it is a little strange. It isn't like you need to keep your head warmer or something for the babies health.. anyway .. 

I guess I better get used to all good things must come to an end. The nice pregnancy side effects anyway. It isn't just the hair, my glowing skin isn't as glowing either. I did enjoy a nicer complexion with Baby Nate growing inside of me. I'm assuming I won't be able to smell as good here soon too. I like having a super sniffer (Kevin not so much - he is probably ready for me not to be able to smell from across the room what kind of beer and appetizer he had after work). I'll probably have to stop wearing sweatpants here soon too because now I am just starting to look lazy, the c section excuse is wearing thin - haha

I'm not sure if Baby Nate is going to like to hang out with a bald and pimply mom who can't smell and wears the same sweat outfit every other day (j/k it is probably every third day) ...hhhmmm ;)

Nate is all ready to go Christmas shopping.  He is all decked out in the Reindeer outfit my mom gave him. 
Look at the reindeer feet


Kiera and Joe said...

I think he looks so much like Kevin in that picture! I love his tongue out too :) He is adorable! I lost SO much hair this pregnancy...wonder if it's worse with boys...I didn't lose as much after I had Kate. Crazy!

Latricia and Daniel Gianino said...

I, too, wonder about all those crazy pregnancy things. Like I got restless legs. And still had them while nursing. What the heck was that for? What purpose does that serve?! :)