The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Story Time

Every night before bed Kevin or I (mostly Kevin so he can have daddy time) read a story or two or three to Nathaniel. We are reading Christmas stories to him this month. There are a few in the book that I have never heard of, but most of the stories are good ol' classics. When Kevin is reading to Nate I am usually sitting in the family room. The family room is close enough to the master bedroom that I can sort of hear what is going on during story time. It is the cutest thing. I can hear Kevin reading the first story ... then I can hear him start the second story. It is about this time that Nathaniel starts talking. He talks so much during the story. It is so cute. So basically I can hear Kevin reading the story, but also talking back to Nate. Apparently, the little dude has A LOT to say at the end of the day. I always think he is going to be too hyper to go to bed after all of the talking, but (knock on wood) he usually goes to sleep. I just love hearing the baby babble during story time with dad.

The other day I had a *Nate Note* about how he sleeps - I managed to get a picture today.  I didn't realize how loud the camera was until I took the picture.  He sort of made a monkey noise, but fell back to sleep THANKFULLY.

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