The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, February 10, 2012

Bitter Beer Face

Do you remember that commercial for Keystone Light? If I remember correctly the person not drinking Keystone would get bitter beer face. It would look something like this....

Anyway that is pretty much what Nate's face looked like after trying rice cereal for the first time. The doctor at our last appointment said we could get him started on something like rice cereal if we wanted. We are going to take solids slowly, but we figured it wouldn't hurt to get him used to eating with a spoon. We decided to try it this past Wednesday. I just mixed up a tiny amount with formula. I made it super runny, etc. as directed. We bought him little baby spoons in preparation for this. We even let him play with the spoons a little so that he would be used to seeing them. Actually that was harder than I thought since he tends to just stick everything in his mouth and that spoon went towards his eyes too much for my comfort.

Anyway, Kevin put a little on the spoon and put it in his mouth and his face got all crinkly and squished....haha... so we tried again and he had even worse bitter *rice cereal* face. We did it a third time --- same result. We figure we are going to try every other day for a bit and see how it goes. We chose every other day since it coincides with bath night so he can be messy :)

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