The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, February 10, 2012

Teeny Tiny Nails

Cutting nails in this household is somehow the same as torture. If Kona even hears the word nails she gets up and heads to another room. She then proceeds to cower in the corner. She manages to somehow hide every single nail under her body by contorting her paws into various angles. The only way to get any of her nails is if we surprise her and Kevin tackles her in a way that I can then reach her nails. Even if we are successful with this method I'm lucky to get 1/2 of her nails before she starts freaking out. I think she'd rather break her legs and arms escaping before allowing us to continue to cut her nails. Mocha is better. If you catch him when he is tired he will usually allow you to just cut them. If he is in a hyper mood (I know most of you think that is 100% of the time) and he sees you with the clippers he grabs a toy and runs around the house. It is actually kind of funny, but impossible to settle him down so you can't even cut one if he is in that mood.

I am starting to think cutting Nathaniel's nails is as hard as Kona's. Just the fact that they are so small makes it innately hard. I'm always thinking I'll cut his skin. Couple that with a baby that doesn't ever seem to keep his hands still and I'll never be able to trim them. He was easy at first because when he'd fall asleep on my lap after eating I was always able to trim them. He doesn't really do that as often now so I'm having to find a time where he is chill enough to let me clip them. The minute he sees the clipper he is grabbing it so he can stick it in his mouth. It is one of those kid clippers so it has a big white handle - perfect for a little hand to grab.  Those super cute baby hands are eventually going to be able to be entered in to the world record book for longest nails.

On a side note while his nails might win world records for length so will his eyelashes. Maybe all baby eyelashes are long, but I do think they are pretty (oh I mean handsome!)

Nate Note: Nathaniel slept in his crib for the first time yesterday for a nap.  We haven't moved him upstairs yet.  We were going to wait until after my dad came, but we just keep putting it off.  It is so nice to have him so close to us.  The problem is that he is outgrowing the pack n play.  He rolls over and squiggles his way to the corner rather quickly.  His sleeping position of choice right now is on his stomach with his butt in the air.  At least in the crib he could move around a bit more.  He took a nap up there again today so I guess I'll slowly make the transition.

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