The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mr. Independent

Look at what I can do

When Nathaniel drinks his bottle now he can pretty much do it himself. Unless, of course, he is tired in which case he has a VERY lazy hold and needs help to not just suck air. He also only does it laying down. I'm not sure he could get it high enough to do it sitting up. I feel like he looks at me like, 'see I can do it, I don't need you, feel free to do other things' That being said, it does still feel nice to cuddle with him and hold him while he drinks so he doesn't get to become Mr. Independent yet :)

Nathaniel also rolls over to the dog to pet him now. It is always funny to watch him work hard to roll over to the dog (usually Mocha) and when he finally gets there the dog moves. It is usually Mocha because when we have floor time Mocha is down there with us while Kona is up on the bed. Kona is a little more jumpy too so as Nate starts rolling towards her she senses the situation and leaves. Mocha on the other hand lets Nate roll right into him. It usually takes a few kicks or swats and Mocha will reposition himself, BUT Nate just rolls a bit more and gets next to him again. I think Mocha has actually figured out that if he sits still long enough the baby loses interest and goes away on his own or that he will be in prime position to steal Nate's toy and sticks it out. Either way a boy and a dog is always cute.

And here is a picture of him pondering world peace HaHa... j/k but he oozes independence in this picture. I think it is the fact that he can roll to the window himself.

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