The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 20, 2012

An Unexpected Visit

My Aunt Dana and cousin Kelly came to visit May 2nd and 3rd. They were driving to Knoxville for a wedding and luckily they had a few days to stop in and hang out with us in Nashville. I haven't seen them in quite awhile so it was great that they could come and see us along with meeting Baby Hahm. We had a few nice meals out, went to a winery and got to spend some time catching up. Nathaniel was on his best behavior and made it pretty easy to mosey around town a little bit. I did need some reinforcements in the bathroom at The Loveless Cafe (Nate isn't a big fan of changing stations so I texted my Aunt for a little back-up help). The entire time we were at the winery Nate just bounced in his bouncy seat - he was content I guess. My cousin is a DVM, and I love animals, so it was fun to listen to some silly stories she had of patients while we enjoyed some great wine and weather.

Nate Note:  It has been a few weeks, but I wanted to mention that Nathaniel is solidly sitting up.  Sometime in the 6th month he was sitting, but wobbly.  The 7th month has been pretty solid.  He can play with both hands occupied with toys and stay balanced.  I do still put a pillow behind him when he sits because on occasion he gets a little bored and just flings himself backwards.  This is never a good situation for his baby head.  I can't always predict when he might do this so the pillow makes me feel a little more secure.  


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