The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

First Trip to the Zoo

Nathaniel went to the Zoo for the first time on April 20th. Kevin took off a half day so that we could go to the zoo. We went during the week so that it was less crowded, plus it was our anniversary (10 years!!) and I couldn't think of a better way to spend it than looking at animals with the family. It felt so different to be going with a stroller and an actual kid haha

One thing worth mentioning is t is always an experience looking for and using a baby changing station or family bathroom... all new memories of motherhood. Actually this is one of the first things I've noticed that Nate doesn't really like and looks a little scared - The baby changing things on the wall that you fold out and use. He looks freaked out the whole time he is on it and actually cries if too many toilets flush real loud - poor little guy, this is not his favorite environment and I do try to avoid it if I can. I wouldn't be me if I didn't mention that I avoid it for pure 'germy' reasons too :) I have a changing pad thing to lay out, but then you put that back in your diaper bag so then I just put a dirty thing in my bag so I have decided to carry disposable (I know bad for the environment) changing pads to place under my changing pad.... Anyway back to the zoo

Nate and I hanging in the kid area on an alligator
Knowing that Nate wouldn't exactly know what to look for we went to the exhibits that had the most obvious animals. We started out looking at the monkeys, but they were high in the trees and not easily seen by the little guy. We went to the Aquarium/Terrarium exhibits. This was a winner. He could see the big fish and lizards. I could have done without the brown recluse spider and black widow exhibit YUCKO!

Do you remember the baby giraffe I took a picture of last year and blogged about ( ) Well, we thought we would go see how that little giraffe was growing. I was pregnant last year when we visited and now I'm holding my little man looking at the giraffe. He, of course, didn't really see them or the elephants, but I sure enjoyed looking at them.

Kevin and Nate in front of the giraffes.  If you look closely the
baby giraffe is in the back left

Here is the whole giraffe family.  The baby is on the left.
There were two exhibits that especially got his attention. The flamingos and the red panda. The flamingos were very vocal and the color caught his eye. Also, you can stand very close to them so it is easy to make them out. The red panda exhibit was a good one as well because the panda kept walking right by the window back and forth, back and forth and Nate followed him back and forth, back and forth with his eyes. It was cute.

Lunch break by the monkeys

We bought a year long membership and I can't wait to go back with him and explore. Even if he is a little young to really 'get' the zoo, I figure he likes the stroller ride through the trees and around the zoo.

1 comment:

Kiera and Joe said...

What a fun trip to the zoo :) I totally agree about not putting the dirty change table cover back in the diaper bag!! I had a special pocket on the outside for mine so it never touched anything in my bag. Gross!! When I baby sat I would always put the change cover in a different pocket as the rest of the stuff and the next day it was always back in the main section touching everything! I guess there are others that are not like us that don't worry about stuff like that. But I'm glad I am not the only one! haha!