The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 17, 2012

My First Mother's Day

It felt weird to actually be a mom on mother's day. I, along with several others, really never thought I'd be celebrating this day other than to celebrate my own mom. Actually, I take that back, I've been a pet parent/pet *mom* for years. That counts - I don't care what anyone says! :) We don't really over celebrate any holiday in our house - we kind of just try and have a nice day, maybe a present, maybe not, it all depends if we need something. Very practical of us, I know (some might say 'not fun'). That being said, this holiday felt different. I felt so proud to be a mom. It is like I joined a secret society. A secret society that you just don't completely understand until you meet the requirements to join - being an actual mom. I have always heard people say things like, 'It is so special to have a kid' and 'I can't imagine my life without a kid' blah blah blah things like that. I always just kind of shrugged and figured it was special, but how much more special than other stuff??

Well, it does feel pretty darn special and I feel SOOOOOO lucky to be experiencing motherhood. I remember when I was in high school my mom had posted something on a board outside her classroom. I believe the board asked the question - 'What was your favorite day or memory?' or something to that effect. Students (and maybe other teachers) had answers posted up there. My mom had pointed out hers and asked me to read it. It said the birth of my daughter. It was far more descriptive than that, but that is what I remember the point being. I'm sure it was plural so that it included my sister too (or maybe it was that she was a mom for the first time so since I'm the oldest it was just me). Either way I was in high school which meant everything was always about *me* who cared about my sister ;) Because I was in high school I am pretty sure I shrugged and said 'Cool' and walked off. I of course did not understand AT ALL what it felt like to be a mom and why my mom thought it was so special. So this is to say to my mom, 'I get it!! I totally GET IT. Now, if I read that same sentiment I'd probably get teary eyed since the content is so much more relevant to my own experience. So, Thanks mom, thanks for always loving me (and Krista).

BTW, Kevin who isn't always a man of many words gave me the sweetest card (along with some spa time) from him and Nathaniel. I loved it. It is going in the Hahm archives.

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