The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Downward Facing Dog

Something I should do more of is yoga. I did it a bit at the beginning of my pregnancy and certain poses throughout my pregnancy (child pose, cat and cow) and it really did feel great stretching. It felt especially good to stretch and make that right side pain feel a little better when possible. A pain that did indeed go away immediately after that kicking little baby was out of there like the doctor said. Anyway, what I never knew would happen is that Nathaniel would practice a yoga pose at such a young age. He can be seen doing 'downward facing dog' several times a day. I guess Mocha and Kona taught him the move. He doesn't quite do it with the precision of an experienced yoga expert, but he is well on his way. 

Or.... instead of being a yoga expert.... it could be the beginning stages of trying to stand up. He is FAR from being able to balance, but he is trying to do something. The something does look a lot like downward facing dog though :)

The funny thing he does is walk and stand on his toes. When he is playing in his walk around toy my mom got him he pushes himself around on the top side of his toes. Yes, it is a little strange, but the way the walker is set up allows him to do that kind of easy and still whip around fast. Also, when he stands up against the couch or window sill he likes to stand up on his toes (at least the bottom side of them instead of the front which is a little better). We figure once he realizes he can't balance very well that way he will try some other methods. Or maybe just maybe he will be a ballet dancer.

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