The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, August 24, 2012

Baby Proofing Bozos

Every time I see a checklist for baby proofing I cringe. I cringe in shame. It is like the baby police know all and can see the progress we've made. These baby police put us on some watch list where every email I get has that topic listed or shown as a top article on the websites I visit. Our house is certainly not baby proofed. It is Mocha proofed, which gets us halfway there. Mocha is a chewer (always has been always will be) so we don't have a whole lot of stuff anywhere. My old dog Mako used to be able to open cabinets, but luckily Mocha doesn't go that far. However, if he did I'd probably already have locks on the cabinets getting us closer to *real* baby proof.
It isn't that we haven't bought baby proofing materials - we have. I have cabinet door locks, a cushy pad for the entertainment center, outlet plugs... but they mostly are just sitting there ready to be installed (whoops). We have a pad on the coffee table and we have plugged the outlets he finds most interesting as well as install special baby proof outlets in his room. So that counts for something right? right? Our top priority lately has been the stairway gate. I have bought several and returned them. I am having a very hard time finding something that works at the top of the stairs. We are lucky that he heads to the top of the stairs full speed every morning from his room - that isn't scary at all! Oh wait, it is super scary. I have a new idea, but I need to buy an extra long stair gate from Amazon so I haven't done it yet. Soon, soon, I swear.
Those baby proofing checklists are long and a tiny bit overwhelming. I usually read the long list, feel tired and head to starbucks to destress. haha. I am always thinking to myself 'how is doing all of this possible?'. I'm pretty sure if I did everything on those lists the house will be Stacy and Kevin proofed too. Everything basically gets locked up or hidden or put behind a gate or covered with some plastic safety cover. So far it hasn't been too bad since Nathaniel doesn't walk and I'm able to watch him pretty much all of the time. I can see how it could quickly get out of hand with more than one kid. While you were grabbing one from falling down the stairs the other one is headed towards the paper shredder etc. etc.
I did buy a baby jail for Nathaniel. When I need a minute or two or three and I want to let him have some freedom I put him in this new baby jail. It is hexagon fence basically with some toys. I bought some foam pads for underneath. It is a bright and colorful baby jail. After setting this up I realized that our house has indeed been taken over by primary colored baby items. Who needs a fancy entry way table when you can have a big colorful baby jail greet visitors :) If you have visited our house - I have it set up right in the foyer. Pretty much every room has something primary colored, big and plastic in it. It is funny how quick you get used to your new decor. The dogs are used to it too and walk around it. One thing that is funny to watch is the stalking dogs. I tend to give Nathaniel some cheerios as a snack when he is using his exersaucer/walker thing. The dogs just stare at him waiting waiting waiting for a cheerio to be thrown to them or fall on the floor. There is nothing left on the floor after meal time either. I can already tell Nathaniel is starting to realize if he holds out something to the dogs they come to him. I can't wait until his whole meal goes to the dogs - that will be fun. I try my best to curtail it when I see it, but it just happens sometimes. Mocha will leave if you blow in his face and a spray bottle gets Kona out of the kitchen. Fun meal time activities! I can't blame them though when they see food flying to the floor or being held up to their faces. They are dogs.
Oh yeah, baby proofing. See how distracted I get even talking about baby proofing? That is why the cabinet locks etc. are still sitting in the closet. You might be thinking to yourself you could have had up 4 cabinet locks in the time it took to blog.... yep, probably, but putting up cabinet locks is sooooo boring ;) Here's to hoping Nate's parents get their act together (darn that means me) 


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