The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 9, 2012

My New Job

Well folks, I have a new job. I'm not sure it is my dream job (a veterinarian, dog daycare owner, geneticist to name a few) or maybe it is...My new job is to be an all day 'spotter' for Nathaniel. No not the type of spotter that removes spots from clothing (well actually I do remove a lot of orangey stuff from Nate's clothes) and no not the type of spotter that watches for enemy aircraft, but the type of spotter that finds the most effective place to keep someone from injuring themselves in the act of executing a maneuver. In this case the 'someone' is Nate and the 'maneuver' is pulling up on things. When I say things I mean THINGS. He tries pulling himself up on everything... the wall, a swing, Mocha's crate, the couch, me, the stairway rail and his favorite... the window sill.

He can pull up on most things, but he hasn't quite mastered how to get down. He gets brave on occasion and falls on his butt. This works great especially upstairs where there is carpet. However, down on the wood floors I get nervous. I basically follow him around 'spotting' to make sure he doesn't fall straight backwards on his head. I'm like the coaches during the uneven bar routine in gymnastics. It is also great fun to run up and down the stairs when I lay him down to nap. He pulls himself up and can't get back down. So I run up, lay him back down, tell him to take a nap. I do this about 15 times before he actually starts to stay put. He gets such a kick out of himself when he is up there though. He celebrates every time with a little body jiggle and excited giggle noise.

There are worse jobs in the world than following a funny little dude around the house I guess ;) so I will embrace my new job as a 'spotter'

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