The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Next Michael Phelps

In the spirit of the Olympic games of 2012 in London I figured it was appropriate to give a shout out to the greatest Olympic swimmer of all time - Michael Phelps. He is arguably the greatest olympian ever based on medal count and repeat gold medals. He obviously had some athletic *swim* genes. As a new parent you wonder what talents your kid might be harboring in their genetic code. Do you ever wonder sometimes if you were suppose to be a great Javelin thrower, but you never picked up a javelin so you were never an Olympian. Haha, it is funny to think about.

Well, in an effort to see if Nathaniel has *swimming* in his genes we took him to his first swim lesson today. We just went to a parent/child class at the YMCA. We ended being the only people in class so we essentially are getting private lessons. I'm not sure we have a coach like Bob Bowman (Phelps coach), but she will do and seems nice. Kevin went in the pool with him for his first lesson.

Nathaniel, while stiffening a bit in the beginning, didn't cry or squirm too much. The first lesson went pretty well. Mostly, Kevin just swooshed him around using a few different techniques and singing a few swimming type nursery songs. The instructor is used to a few more people in class so she said Kevin had to sing too so it wasn't just her haha... funny. Kevin had to do a few almost dunks and Nate didn't necessarily like those. Nate did great for almost all of it though. We have lessons for the next 3 Sundays. While we would like to start him on his Olympic training path mostly we just want him to start getting used to water.  We are hoping this makes him more confident in the water in case anything was to happen, plus he will take to real swimming much better.  Although if he wants to be an Olympic swimmer I'll support him ;) 


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