The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, October 19, 2012

Holy Super Stink, Batman!

Do you remember when Robin would say this to Batman? It was always,"Holy _____, Batman!" I can't wait until Nathaniel likes super heroes. That will be something me and him can bond over that Kevin has zero interest.
Well, the Hahm household has taken it up a notch in bad smells. There is the usual dog smells, the usual burnt toast or baked fish smells, the usual husband smells ;)... but I never would have guessed how smelly that little boy has become. Everything smelled good around here UNTIL the introduction of cow's milk. Wowza! We have always either thrown the diapers away in a diaper genie thing in our bedroom or in the trash. We have never ever ever skipped a beat. The poops, while still poops, didn't really smell that bad.
That has all changed, now you can smell when he has gone from a different room. Poor boy! Then after you hold your breath while you change it you can't escape the smell. No matter where you put it, it follows you. I feel like a have a life size poopy diaper puppet following me around - like a sesame street nightmare!
Stupid cow's milk. Right now he is about 60% milk 40% formula. Does that mean the stink factor will increase proportionately?? "Holy Super Duper Stink, Batman!" I'm hoping that this is just his digestive system getting used to the new proteins and minerals and soon it will settle down. Otherwise, I might have to put a changing station outside or put that white stuff under my nose that they use on the crime dramas.
I am hoping this is normal since the smell is the only weird thing (I might put in a little call to the pediatrician just to be sure). I mean when picking up the dog doo is a breath of fresh air in comparison to Nathaniel... it is a strange day :) I'm not at all sensitive or easily grossed out either, but boy o boy. Kevin has even accused me of not changing his diaper and waiting until he got home so that he'd have to do it. But NO WAY! I wouldn't even be able to hug that kid if I left him in his dirty diaper. I think Nathaniel is just so smart already that when I tell him 'Wait to do #2 until daddy gets home' he listens, it is our little deal.
Side Note: Nate is really going to love this post later in life hahaha

1 comment:

Latricia and Daniel Gianino said...

This post just makes me laugh!!!!!