The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, October 8, 2012

What sound does a cow make?

MMmmmmoooo. Yes, this is a common sentence in our household. Actually I think I *MOO* most during Old McDonald had a Farm. The big thing about cows these days is that Nathaniel started drinking milk. He passed that big first birthday so we started to transition him to milk. I always think that it is funny that at a year they can have milk. As if their digestive systems magically change on their birthday and they can handle a lot more stuff. I assume some testing etc. went into determining this special year milestone. Probably tests showing how efficiently the body can break down certain proteins and minerals. I decided to slowly transition to milk instead of going cold turkey. I figured this way if his digestive system seemed irritated I could back off a bit. I went with a 50%formula/50%whole milk mix. I do still heat up the formula portion so the mix isn't cold. I figured I'd slowly transition to the *cold* temperature of milk too.
So far he hasn't skipped a beat. His diapers have been a little more inconsistent, but I'm hoping they will start to follow a pattern again soon. I probably could have went cold turkey since this kid doesn't seem to ever be bothered by much, but I was gun shy. I'll probably go two weeks with a 50/50 mix and get to a cold temperature by the end of the second week.
The part I haven't transitioned him from is using a bottle. He mostly just plays with his sippy cups. He knows how to use them (including a straw), but would rather chew on them or bang them on the table then actually drink from them. I did try using one in place of a bottle a week or so ago and he threw it on the floor. Yes, that was some real attitude indeed! Instead of forcing it, I figured I'd wait until after the milk transition. Yep, I sort of wimped out and decided what is a few weeks?? (I may eat those words when he is 4 still using a bottle)
One thing that is super annoying about the whole milk I bought is that it is in a carton. Seems innocent, right? Well, for some reason I always dribble some on the counter and down the side of the carton. It is hard to pour 2 oz. into a bottle. (or I am just horribly uncoordinated). But EVERY single time I'm wiping down the counter and the side of the carton. Oh yeah and I can't believe how thick whole milk is... wow is that stuff thick!
In honor of Nathaniel starting milk make sure you put on your best milk mustache/smile and *cheers*

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