The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Maybe Halloween Ghosts?

Tis the season for everything creepy crawly. Spiders, ghosts, goblins, zombies (mostly I just like having the excuse to eat candy all night as I pass it out). I do think Nathaniel might be getting a case of the *creepies* He doesn't seem scared by the life size witches at Home Depot... so I didn't think he would get the *creepies*, but over the past couple of weeks he has woke up a few times crying in the middle of the night. He is a GREAT night sleeper so this is very unusual. We can't find anything different - no new sounds, no new lights... so we aren't sure why its happening. Maybe he is teething a bit more? Maybe he is having a little gas from drinking cow's milk? Maybe he is starting to have some dreams? OR maybe it is civil war ghosts from the Battle of Franklin.... BOO!
I'm not sure. We are putting on our best detective hats and trying to figure it out. When he does wake up - you can snuggle with him - he falls asleep - then you lay him back down. (I just love when he falls asleep on my shoulder. Those little hands are usually holding your arm or your hand and you can feel his little breaths... its the best. Those people that co sleep might have the right idea because it is pretty darn cool!) Anyway, last night he cried 3 separate times. We decided to bring him down and let him sleep in the pack n play by us. I know I know some of you probably think that was a bad idea. I actually wasn't sure either, but I figured if it was something temporary one night of extra love won't hurt... now night after night and we'll have to change our approach. He proceeded to stand in the pack n play and talk to us for about 1/2 hr in the middle of the night. He didn't cry or whine, he just talked. While I was falling in and out of sleep as he carried on the conversation he eventually laid down and fell asleep. He woke us up with some 'heys' in the morning. It was like old times before we moved him up to the crib.
He hasn't woke up tonight so let's hope he sleeps as "snug as a bug in a rug". A saying by the way that originated in the 1700s. While it means warm and cozy now.. it used to mean being secure. Ben Franklin used it in a letter and was thought to have created the saying and gets the credit a lot, but there is rumor he was not the first.
Maybe there really are some civil war ghosts... hhmmm
Nate Note(s): He loves the orange lights Kevin put up for Halloween. He crawls over to the front door every night and basically insists you take him out to look. We just keep telling him ... wait until you see the Christmas tree! I did say 'crawls' ... that kid just doesn't want to walk yet. He is walking one handed with his walker now though. He expertly cruises all the furniture too. We don't really push him to practice walking and figure he'll get it on his own time. Plus, having a wobbly one year old just sounds dangerous on the wood floor so I'd like to put it off as long as possible (maybe I'm the problem) ;)

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