The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Huh? Say What?

Every once in awhile Nathaniel goes on a talking spree. Then he quiets down for a few days. He isn't much of a talker in public either - he is more of an observer. When I say *talk* they aren't real words yet. There are a few words we think we can make out like 'dad, dada, maamaa (he doesn't know it is me though), hey and this. Overall though it is definitely baby babble.
Over the past week he has a new form of talking. He is talking in long drawn out sentences. It sounds like one big super word. I want to know what he is trying to communicate so badly. After he 'clearly' states what it is he is trying to say he looks at you. I say something like,' yes' or 'that's right' or 'You want to play with ____' I figure he is thinking to himself that his mom is such a dummy for not understanding since he said it so perfectly. I almost detect a slight baby eye roll - he is like,'seriously, how did you not understand THAT'
I am going to continue to focus and see if I can't start to decipher his language. It is funny when he goes on a kick with these sentences. It sounds so much like a real conversation. To be honest it sounds a lot like Kevin when he is tired ;)


Elmerifudd said...

Has Nate taken any steps yet?

SNH said...

No - he is a cautious little guy. He has been letting go and standing on his own a few times so maybe he is on the verge of a breakthrough or maybe he will crawl forever ;)