The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


*Snap*, that is the noise I made while filing a life moment into my memory. You know, a pretend picture you take to remember something that isn't actually captureable (is that a word?). My memory picture is of Nathaniel running up to his Aunt Krista and hugging her. Hugging her legs to be exact. He is just a little guy still ;) At one point he pushed me aside and ran to hug her. Why am I chopped liver, I don't know... But, that hug is a special moment. There are few things better than seeing your son hug your sister. It felt like I gave her a new piece of my heart. That is probably why my heart skipped a beat or two watching it.
What is the saying - 'Great sisters get promoted to Aunts'? Well I guess its true. I just loved seeing him at this age hanging out with her. He is so much more aware. He would drag her around the house and show her things, laugh hysterically as he chased her around the kitchen, snuggle with her and watch a show, and tons of other fun things, but I think my other favorite *Snap* is the smile he'd give when he'd see her for the first time in the morning or after a nap.
Things are so much easier with an Aunt around too. You can do a few things around the house without rushing, you don't have to push the stroller the entire time somewhere (zoo, mall), you can pawn the 5th, 6th, 7th time of any activity off to them.... haha that is the best!
Plus, with an Aunt around you get to get out of the house and go to a fancy dinner or play bar trivia or shop without the kid or husband (not that I don't love, love, love that normally, but you know what I mean). I had such a nice time catching up and joking around. I don't know how I (or Nate) will move on without her. I cannot wait to take more *Snap*'s ... so until next time..... we'll be missing you. 
Hanging out at JJ Wine Bar

I never get them both in the same picture.  Pretty doggies.
Krista snapped this pic outside the outlet mall.  Who is that handsome dude? 

1 comment:

Kiera and Joe said...

Tear :( I'm sad you are far away from your sis. I know how hard that must be on all of you! But so thankful for the great memories you can make together. Glad it was a great visit!!!