The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

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Friday, August 2, 2013

Go To Move

Nathaniel can still be easily spooked by people he doesn't know. If someone approaches quick or loud he gets that look of terror on his face. If it happens to be really loud or quick he doesn't know how to release that nervous energy and things get swooshed off of whatever is around. This has primarily happened at restaurants. For instance, at one dinner in particular a waiter was trying to be nice but came up behind Nathaniel and said some kid like things pretty loud. Nate panicked and just swooshed his hands back and forth and knocked all of his food on to the floor. His face was bright red. Once the waiter caught on and left, Nate cried. This reaction is the worst case scenario for him.
Luckily, most things that catch him off guard are less intense. His go to move for something a little less intense is to back up and wave. For example yesterday in music class he went to grab a drum stick. Another boy was already holding the drum stick and yelled 'NO'. Nathaniel turned a little red, took a step backwards and waved. It is funny. He has also done it if he gets bumped by a stranger. Or if someone starts talking to him directly that he doesn't know. At the reunion I remember him tripping over someone and he just got up and waved. I guess a wave makes him feel all better. Just glad his go to move is a wave and not a cry :)

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