The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 15, 2013

High Chairs are for Suckers

How many times has Nathaniel sat in his high chair over the last few weeks?  Probably once and that's pushing it. He takes his meals either in bed or from the coffee table now.  I think he thinks we live in a mansion and I'm his butler.  Whether it's him handing me his finished milk and saying, 'Take it mommy' or him snacking on cut fruit in my bed while watching a cartoon ... this kid is starting to live like a celebrity.  Ok ok so I exaggerate.  Maybe.

Remember a few weeks ago he got SPOTS!  I was trying anything to get him to eat so I broke any and all rules.  Of course just a few days of anything sets a precedence in this house.  Ever since then he has become a bit of grazer.  He tends to eat less and get fussy in the high chair so I let him graze while he runs around doing other things.  He is so on the go that he hates sitting anywhere for very long.  I figure as long as he is eating I'm actually not too stuck on him having to eat at the table (at least for breakfast and lunch) (at least for a while)  This is a phase, right? :)  

I like a lot of what Dr. Sears says and he seems to think grazing is fine.  I'll follow the advice in that book for right now.  haha.  I'll just follow whatever methodology fits the phase.  I know I know, it will be important for him to behave and eat like a normal person eventually, but for right now I guess I'm serving my little prince in bed or wherever he demands it.  

Rough life (yes that is Kona his feet are on)

Time to relax I guess

Something is keeping me from finishing the felt board

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