The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Rocking Out

Nathaniel went to his first concert.  Hhhhmm maybe calling it a concert is a stretch.  Nathaniel went to his first kid show?  Better?  We joined Nathaniel’s friend Evie (and her parents) to sing and dance with the ZingHoppers. 

One reason we picked the Zinghoppers was because the show was at a redone old theatre in downtown Franklin.  It was close and a small venue.  Before the BIG show we had to eat a good breakfast so we went to the well-known Puckett’s grocery.  While Evie sat in her high chair and ate her Mickey Mouse pancake Nate was sitting in Kevin’s lap not eating…. That not wanting to sit in a high chair thing is still plaguing us. 

After a yummy breakfast it was time to head in and get the party started.  We changed seats a few times, but once we got settled ‘Let the fun times begin’.  The Zinghoppers put on a pretty entertaining show.  Nate isn’t really one to get up and dance in a crowd, he mostly observed and wiggled from his chair.  I was so disappointed that they didn’t play the one song we always hear on the Sprout channel L  I thought about complaining, but that seemed like overkill ;) 

I wonder what show will be next… The Wiggles, maybe the Nutcracker, maybe some group I am not aware of …. Can’t wait!

Nathaniel watching the show from the balcony,  he liked going up there because no one else was up there

Nathaniel and Evie... this was the best pic I could get of two tired toddlers :)

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