The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Music Class Miracle

We have been going to a music class (music with mommy) since Nathaniel was about 9 months old ish.  There were a couple months here or there we didn't go, but overall we have been to several sessions.  He has always been more of an observer than an active participant.  The level of kids participation is all over the place.  Some kids pay attention, some don't at all, some like to be the center of attention, others observe more like Nate.  It definitely depends on the age of the kid too, of course.  

I always knew Nathaniel was taking it in since he does watch so intently and he would do some of the things from class at home.  He wouldn't do them in class only at home.  Recently he has even been repeating some of the songs that we tend to do every class.  During class we switch off using different instruments.  One song might use shakers, another maracas or rhythm sticks... you get the point.  Nathaniel is still too timid to go get the instruments himself, he always grabs my hand and I go with him.  I figure eventually he will get the confidence, until then I don't mind going.  

Now I have some proof that if I just wait he will find that confidence himself when he is ready.

There is always a song or two where the instructor lets the kids come up one by one (if they want) to play a steady beat to a song or sing a phrase of the song.  As you can imagine Nathaniel has NEVER done this.  He wants no part of going to the front by himself to do anything.  Well, the last few classes he has actually gone up and tried to participate.  Woo Hoo.  Granted I go with him.  He does sit on the teachers lap and I sit to the side.  He has kind of gotten a little shy once he was up there and didn't really finish.  Regardless, it is a huge HUGE step.  

Today, I really knew it hasn't been a fluke the past classes.  He actually said, 'yes' when I asked him if he wanted to go try the instrument.  We went up there and he kept a steady beat really well.  The teacher even got excited.  'This is the first time he has really gone for it' , I was like 'I know'.  Nate had that proud look on his face too.  I was so happy for him. 

Not only that, but he sings along with the songs he knows (well as good as an almost 2 year old can) and he uses the instruments when he is supposed to.  My little flower is showing some blooming.  It is really fun to watch.  

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