The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pretzels to Peanut Butter

Pretzels and peanut butter may be one of your favorite snacks. If so, you may want to stop reading here. Ok.... if you are still reading don't blame me for ruining your snack ;) I have always thought that Nathaniel's doody diapers smell like soft baked pretzels. Like those ones at the mall. Like the ones that I love to eat on the rare occasions I decide to treat myself to fattening mall food. Poop pretzels haven't been ttthhhaatt bad to have to smell....

Well, on Sunday we introduced squash to Nate's diet. I was going to go with sweet potatoes, but I didn't get the ice cube trays I wanted yet and ended up buying a stage one organic squash to start him on. Squash was the one vegetable I probably wouldn't make myself so I just decided to just do it. I already have some peas and sweet potatoes so that I can make the next few solids from scratch. He gave a bit of a weird face on the first spoonful. I imagine it is so much more flavorful than the rice cereal. Kevin fed him and only had a little bit of squash on his shirt by the end! I'm pretty sure that Nate enjoys chewing on the spoon way more than actually eating the squash. I figure at least he is getting used to the whole idea. We feed him half of a 2.5 oz jar around lunch and half around dinner. As I have mentioned before I am so amazed how such a tiny amount of food can get in so many places. Also, when nate gets a hold of that spoon good luck getting it back - that boy is strong for such a little squirt. I figure one down (allergy wise) and 100 more to go - haha. I am hoping I'll have a smooth road when it comes to allergies (cross your fingers), but I am a little worried about avocados. Avocados are a favorite first food and I'm allergic to them so we'll see. 

Back to the doody diaries.... something else I think is amazing about such a tiny amount of food is how much it changes the doody. It now is a peanut butter looking concoction. Seriously, how does such a small change make such a big difference. It is crazy. The dirty diaper the other day actually got a 'Whoa' out of Kevin. Ha ha... I figured people were making up stories about how stinky diapers were since we hadn't really experienced it ;) AAaahhh the joys of babies. I do love that he smiles the biggest grin if you ask him if he pooped his diaper.

Now go enjoy your peanut butter pretzels ... go ahead... try to without thinking about little Nate Nate

Nate Note: It has happened. Nathaniel has officially sucked his toe. Over the last few days he has become VERY interested in his feet. I guess he officially realized they belong to him. He grabs them and goofs around. Just like everything else once he has something in his hand it goes right in the mouth. It is a good thing his feet aren't dirty yet. It does make for a great picture. We will have to get some cute ones soon.

Nate was really enjoying trying to reach Mocha

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