The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I heard that 'Waaaasssup' referenced in a repeat episode of 'How I Met your Mother' and it kind of fit my blog for the day. I know I'm sporadic at best at blogging so I thought I'd give an update on several items in this random blog.

Let's see where should I start... I'm still losing my hair - EECK! Seriously, is this hair loss ever going to stop, I'm getting increasingly more paranoid and self conscious. Otherwise, I think I'm back to normal besides needing to start putting on some sort of scar cream on my scar. I need to research that some more.

Nathaniel is now feeding 5 times a day at about every 3 hours from when he wakes up. I'm still nursing (Can you believe it?) 4 of the 5 times. He bottle feeds for the late feeding of the day usually around 7:30pm. This allows me to have nights off because Kevin feeds him.  An added bonus is that we get to easily sneak Vitamin D into the formula. Trying to give him vitamins from the dropper was a mess. Plus, he'd spit part out and then smell like vitamins for the rest of the day (that was something I hated). I keep planning on weaning, especially now that teeth are on the horizon. I just can't ever decide which feeding to make a bottle feeding next so I do what I do best and procrastinate making the decision.

Nathaniel now LOVES to be on his tummy. He sleeps ONLY on his stomach. You lay him down on his back and *flip* he is right over and ready to sleep. He sleeps with his butt in the air. He also always squiggles his way completely to the edge with his head pushed in to the side. It looks uncomfortable, but maybe not for a baby. He has always been a good night sleeper and has been sleeping all night for awhile. All night being (7-9pm thru 7-8am) We still have him in his pack and play downstairs with us >> whoops << eventually we will move him upstairs. We are going to have to move him since he seems to be growing out of the pack and play. He isn't growing out of it literally, but he likes to kick and squirm and move and the crib would allow him some more freedom to stretch his limbs. Upstairs is so far away from us though :) Actually, another procrastination thing is that I haven't figured out how to change crib sheets easily. It just seems like such a pain so I keep putting off moving him up to his crib. He does still nap in his crib once a day to remind him that it is ok to sleep there. Nate has a lot of slobber/spit up so changing sheets (sheet savers, blanket, whatever) is necessary once maybe twice a day. We will move him soon so stay tuned for the big announcement that he is sleeping in his crib full time. His nap schedule is roughly one cat nap between every feeding. He is still working on a nap schedule since he sometimes will have a long nap and sometimes none at all between feedings.  At least he sleeps a bit more than he used to, which itself was an improvement.
The butt up sleep pose

Nathaniel is eating rice cereal still.  We are inconsistent, but try and feed him this every night. He does pretty well. He is a total mess at the end, but seems to be swallowing like a champ. I never would have guessed how sticky rice cereal is - wow is it sticky.  This has led us to start researching high chairs. We need to buy one soon. I just want something simple and cleanable. I think we are ready to move on to solid #2 so I am going to try sweet potatoes this week YAY. I can't wait to have orange puree everywhere. I hope he likes it. This will allow me to feed him earlier in the day so that I can get him on a more consistent solid schedule. The kink has been that we use some of the formula from the last feeding of the day to make the rice cereal. Because it is the last feeding of the day he sometimes is too tired to do both a bottle and a solid feeding so we needed another approach to solids.

Nathaniel is giggling and making all kinds of noises. He is working hard on trying to sit up by himself, but he is quite wobbly. He only occasionally rolls from his stomach to his back - 98% of the time is still back to stomach. The stomach to back roll is usually done with no witnesses. It happens on his play mat when I look away or during naptime. I"ll show up and he is looking at me saying, 'yep I can do it' He has really mastered the baby push up. He gets his head real high up in the air. In the morning from our bed you can look over and see his smiling face trying to look over the pack and play at us.

Here is his huge baby push up or baby yoga

Let's see what else... any questions?? what am I forgetting, email me.

Oh, he drives in the car great now. No more crying at stop lights. Sometimes he even just babbles to himself back there and puts himself to sleep. Nate and I have definitely been getting out more. I try once a day to take a car ride somewhere and then stroll around a store (or our neighborhood). I enjoy watching him watch all the people and surroundings. This picture isn't at a store but perfectly captures the 'Whoa' look he usually has when we are somewhere.

HHhhhmm ... what else...he loves to be held up like an airplane by Kevin. He giggles and smiles the whole time. Another thing I love is to watch him react to Kevin when he comes home from work. Once he sees Kevin he gets all excited and smiles and moves around in my arms - he knows and loves to see his dad! Also, he is a bit of a kicker/banger. He loves to just kick the pillow or diaper changing pad over and over or just hit something with his hand.... bang bang bang. I think that is part of the Y chromosome coming out already.

That is probably enough updates before I bore everyone. Here is a 5 month picture.

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