The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Well, it happened last Friday March 23rd. We officially moved Nathaniel upstairs to sleep in his big boy room. This will be his third sleeping arrangement in 6 months. First he slept in his little baby hammock thing next to me on the bed so that I could reach him without too much trouble with my c-section. Second, we moved him to the bassinet level of the pack n play in the corner of our room where he has been until now. Now he is in his room. It was a very hard and sad night for me. He feels a million miles away. I miss waking up and seeing him looking over at us from his pack n play. He usually wakes up and babbles something that sounds like..'Hey' while he reaches up real high to look over the rail. It feels so weird to have the four of us downstairs in one bed and Nate all alone.

Now while it was sad and hard for me, Nate could care less. He hasn't skipped a beat moving up to his crib. He is taking full advantage of all the extra room to move around and MOVE around he does. Kevin has already had to reposition him when he was sleeping because his leg was sticking through the crib railing. We left his crib piano toy up thinking it would be ok, but we were awakened to melodies on the monitor at 2am in the morning. He managed to roll over to it and push the buttons to get it playing. He was all proud of himself. Needless to say, we turn it off at night now :) (actually that reminds me I put him to bed tonight and I'm not sure I turned it off...hhhmmm... I better go check)

One cute thing I've noticed since moving him up there is how much he enjoys the big tree sticker we put on the wall. Remember? It was a really big tree with squirrels, an owl, etc in it, plus the bear above the crib and fox on the wall. He smiles every time you hold him in front of it. He just stares at it in awe. I just think it is cool that it actually garners a reaction from him because I never really had any expectations.

I'll admit that not having him in our room at night has made our lives a little more flexible. We don't have to be as quiet now. We'd tip toe around once we went to bed, keeping the lights low, etc.. The dogs are really enjoying not being 'shooshed' as much. They can flop their ears and chew their toys. As of right now the flexibility isn't as great as having him right by me... I need a little more time :)

To make the separation worse our monitor stopped getting a signal so basically by the 3rd night I didn't have a monitor. I had no idea what was going on up there all night. This drove me crazy. I didn't think I'd be able to sleep all night, but I could. Surprisingly, Kevin heard him one time that I didn't. That NEVER happens... I mean NEVER. I must have been very tired or perhaps Kevin was as traumatized by not having the monitor as me and couldn't sleep himself. The monitor is on its way back to the company to be returned and they are shipping us a new one. Hopefully, ours was just a lemon. In the meantime, I went and bought a cheap audio only monitor. I know ... laugh all you want... somehow our parents survived without monitors, but I can't, I just can't

I've included a picture of Nate in his crib. He does enjoy having his head touch the top. He did that in his pack n play too. The bumpers are the breathable kind. They are necessary since he likes to ram his head into the sides to sleep and the bumper seems a lot softer than the wood slats.

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