The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Super Tuesday

Tennessee is a part of Super Tuesday so of course I went and voted. Tennessee has an open primary so anyone can come and vote. I figure lots of women fought for my right to vote and I like to think that I celebrate them every time I go to the booth. It is easy nowadays to take that right for granted because we could never imagine not voting. I try to remind myself on the walk to the voting booth about women's suffrage. Now everyone that knows me knows that history is one of my worst subjects, but I do know about the *exclamation points in history* like women's suffrage. I'd like to think I'd be a suffragette.

This election year could prove to be quite an exciting one. While I have my opinions, shocking I know ;) I will only mention this one thing for right now. This is something that has bothered me for years. I hate when either side says be open minded and then condemns you for taking a different approach to an issue. Apparently open minded is open minded as long as you agree with whomever is talking. Urgh. That is one thing that really gets me going. If there is anything about democracy that we should celebrate is the ability to agree to disagree and work towards making America better in our own way. Now I'm talking about the normal realm of issues, nothing obviously crazy (or clearly just wrong). While I disagree with some people's stances on the issues; I always learn something through listening with respect. To be educated about issues the complete 360 degrees is the way to make good decisions or even possibly change some minds. I am tortured inside sometimes when I hear someone rattling off what they think are facts on facebook or wherever and they just don't even come close to factual. Ok enough of my soapbox.

It was Nate's first trip to vote. I almost wrote his name in as a potential candidate. I figured he'd have at least one vote to be President of the United States. Ha! There were two older gentlemen at the voting center that were making over him. It was cute. The one guy put an 'I voted' sticker on Nate. Nate was a good boy while I voted. Not a peep out of him - I'm certain he understood the importance ;)

Below is a picture of him with his sticker. I figure the serious/sad look on his face was because who he really wants to win isn't even on the ballot....

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