The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, March 19, 2012

Squash and Sweet Potatoes...check

The little dude has now eaten veggies for over a week. He has only eaten 2 kinds of veggies, squash and sweet potatoes, but he seems to enjoy them both. I do think playing with the spoon is still the best part for him.

*Knowledgeable* sources always recommend a short list of first foods and it seems like half of them are bright orange. I think they want you to start with the most staining, messy color first so everything else seems like a cake walk. Seriously, the high chair straps, the steam basket, Nathaniel's baby fingernails, the dog's head, wash cloths, bibs... you name it they have all been *ORANGED*. So many of the high chairs have white or beige straps - what were those engineers thinking?!? Already in the works for my sewing to-do list is two velcro covers for the high chair straps. These covers will be easily removable and washable. 

I think it is funny that Nate's nails are stained. I was looking at them and I was thinking to myself why are your nails turning colors and then the light bulb went off...'oh yeah the orange food'... I haven't even gotten to carrots yet. If I don't watch out Nathaniel himself will turn orange from eating so many orange foods. (If I remember the story correctly, Kevin's mom turned him a little orange when he was a baby - haha)

In light of this and Nate's ever so slight constipation I believe I am switching to *GREEN*. Yep, peas are next. I have used my Baby Baeba to make both the sweet potatoes and peas. It is so easy to make his food. The machine steams it, I then just dump the steam basket in the lower bowl and then puree it. I add a bit more water and pour into ice cube trays. Wa La. A quick 20-30 seconds in the microwave to melt the cube and his meal is served.

You might of noticed I mentioned a high chair above. We did indeed buy a high chair. After some reading and asking for advice from other moms we decided on a Fisher-Price Space Saver. It is a chair that attaches to your dining room chair. It reclines, cleans up pretty easy (minus the beige straps) and doesn't take up hardly any room. We figured it worked for his and our needs for this stage. I had hurt my rib leaning over the tub the other day while giving Nathaniel a bath (insert *old* joke here). This was making it hard for me to hold Nate in certain ways so if I was going to feed him at all we needed a high chair and quick. The Fisher-Price one was easy to find locally and got good reviews.

Update: Peas went down the hatch fine too. He looked like he had been slimed, but happy nonetheless. Remember that show 'You can't do that on television'? If you said something like, 'I don't know' you would get green slime dumped on your head. He kind of looked like that ;)

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