The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day with the Hahm's

Our Memorial day wasn't filled with BBQ or cornhole (a game I had never ever heard of until I moved out of AZ), but it was filled with little home improvement projects and staring at Nathaniel. Kevin's parents knew we had a few things on our list so they were ready to help. We thought they were only going to stay one night and they were able to stay a few more so we got to work. We were glad they could stay a few extra nights but sad that Kevin's mom's (Sandy) brother Alan lost his battle with cancer this past weekend. Our thoughts are with her and Alan's family)  I know Kevin especially had fond memories with him golfing - his joyous personality will be missed :(  

There were almost record setting temperatures so we didn't do anything outside for fun. We did change the coach lights outside our garage and back porch, paint our laundry room and install a utility sink with a cabinet. While Kevin's mom helped here or there she was primarily given the job of watching Nate. A job I don't think she minded! I was doing something at one point and I went upstairs to find everyone. Everyone was in Nate's room laughing at him. He was doing this new inch wormy scooch backwards move. Goofy little boy. I think he is trying out new ways to move. Maybe just maybe he will crawl - we'll see.  .

Nathaniel really enjoys playing with Grandma Hahm's earrings and eyeglasses.  Since I don't wear earrings these were very fun things to explore.  He also enjoyed staring at Grandpa Hahm working on his computer.  It always looked like he wanted to know what he was doing.  I think he was secretly hoping Grandpa was ordering toys for him ;)

This is us being cool :) Even Kona got in the picture

Mr. Independent

Look at what I can do

When Nathaniel drinks his bottle now he can pretty much do it himself. Unless, of course, he is tired in which case he has a VERY lazy hold and needs help to not just suck air. He also only does it laying down. I'm not sure he could get it high enough to do it sitting up. I feel like he looks at me like, 'see I can do it, I don't need you, feel free to do other things' That being said, it does still feel nice to cuddle with him and hold him while he drinks so he doesn't get to become Mr. Independent yet :)

Nathaniel also rolls over to the dog to pet him now. It is always funny to watch him work hard to roll over to the dog (usually Mocha) and when he finally gets there the dog moves. It is usually Mocha because when we have floor time Mocha is down there with us while Kona is up on the bed. Kona is a little more jumpy too so as Nate starts rolling towards her she senses the situation and leaves. Mocha on the other hand lets Nate roll right into him. It usually takes a few kicks or swats and Mocha will reposition himself, BUT Nate just rolls a bit more and gets next to him again. I think Mocha has actually figured out that if he sits still long enough the baby loses interest and goes away on his own or that he will be in prime position to steal Nate's toy and sticks it out. Either way a boy and a dog is always cute.

And here is a picture of him pondering world peace HaHa... j/k but he oozes independence in this picture. I think it is the fact that he can roll to the window himself.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

An Unexpected Visit

My Aunt Dana and cousin Kelly came to visit May 2nd and 3rd. They were driving to Knoxville for a wedding and luckily they had a few days to stop in and hang out with us in Nashville. I haven't seen them in quite awhile so it was great that they could come and see us along with meeting Baby Hahm. We had a few nice meals out, went to a winery and got to spend some time catching up. Nathaniel was on his best behavior and made it pretty easy to mosey around town a little bit. I did need some reinforcements in the bathroom at The Loveless Cafe (Nate isn't a big fan of changing stations so I texted my Aunt for a little back-up help). The entire time we were at the winery Nate just bounced in his bouncy seat - he was content I guess. My cousin is a DVM, and I love animals, so it was fun to listen to some silly stories she had of patients while we enjoyed some great wine and weather.

Nate Note:  It has been a few weeks, but I wanted to mention that Nathaniel is solidly sitting up.  Sometime in the 6th month he was sitting, but wobbly.  The 7th month has been pretty solid.  He can play with both hands occupied with toys and stay balanced.  I do still put a pillow behind him when he sits because on occasion he gets a little bored and just flings himself backwards.  This is never a good situation for his baby head.  I can't always predict when he might do this so the pillow makes me feel a little more secure.  


Thursday, May 17, 2012

My First Mother's Day

It felt weird to actually be a mom on mother's day. I, along with several others, really never thought I'd be celebrating this day other than to celebrate my own mom. Actually, I take that back, I've been a pet parent/pet *mom* for years. That counts - I don't care what anyone says! :) We don't really over celebrate any holiday in our house - we kind of just try and have a nice day, maybe a present, maybe not, it all depends if we need something. Very practical of us, I know (some might say 'not fun'). That being said, this holiday felt different. I felt so proud to be a mom. It is like I joined a secret society. A secret society that you just don't completely understand until you meet the requirements to join - being an actual mom. I have always heard people say things like, 'It is so special to have a kid' and 'I can't imagine my life without a kid' blah blah blah things like that. I always just kind of shrugged and figured it was special, but how much more special than other stuff??

Well, it does feel pretty darn special and I feel SOOOOOO lucky to be experiencing motherhood. I remember when I was in high school my mom had posted something on a board outside her classroom. I believe the board asked the question - 'What was your favorite day or memory?' or something to that effect. Students (and maybe other teachers) had answers posted up there. My mom had pointed out hers and asked me to read it. It said the birth of my daughter. It was far more descriptive than that, but that is what I remember the point being. I'm sure it was plural so that it included my sister too (or maybe it was that she was a mom for the first time so since I'm the oldest it was just me). Either way I was in high school which meant everything was always about *me* who cared about my sister ;) Because I was in high school I am pretty sure I shrugged and said 'Cool' and walked off. I of course did not understand AT ALL what it felt like to be a mom and why my mom thought it was so special. So this is to say to my mom, 'I get it!! I totally GET IT. Now, if I read that same sentiment I'd probably get teary eyed since the content is so much more relevant to my own experience. So, Thanks mom, thanks for always loving me (and Krista).

BTW, Kevin who isn't always a man of many words gave me the sweetest card (along with some spa time) from him and Nathaniel. I loved it. It is going in the Hahm archives.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

First Trip to the Zoo

Nathaniel went to the Zoo for the first time on April 20th. Kevin took off a half day so that we could go to the zoo. We went during the week so that it was less crowded, plus it was our anniversary (10 years!!) and I couldn't think of a better way to spend it than looking at animals with the family. It felt so different to be going with a stroller and an actual kid haha

One thing worth mentioning is t is always an experience looking for and using a baby changing station or family bathroom... all new memories of motherhood. Actually this is one of the first things I've noticed that Nate doesn't really like and looks a little scared - The baby changing things on the wall that you fold out and use. He looks freaked out the whole time he is on it and actually cries if too many toilets flush real loud - poor little guy, this is not his favorite environment and I do try to avoid it if I can. I wouldn't be me if I didn't mention that I avoid it for pure 'germy' reasons too :) I have a changing pad thing to lay out, but then you put that back in your diaper bag so then I just put a dirty thing in my bag so I have decided to carry disposable (I know bad for the environment) changing pads to place under my changing pad.... Anyway back to the zoo

Nate and I hanging in the kid area on an alligator
Knowing that Nate wouldn't exactly know what to look for we went to the exhibits that had the most obvious animals. We started out looking at the monkeys, but they were high in the trees and not easily seen by the little guy. We went to the Aquarium/Terrarium exhibits. This was a winner. He could see the big fish and lizards. I could have done without the brown recluse spider and black widow exhibit YUCKO!

Do you remember the baby giraffe I took a picture of last year and blogged about ( ) Well, we thought we would go see how that little giraffe was growing. I was pregnant last year when we visited and now I'm holding my little man looking at the giraffe. He, of course, didn't really see them or the elephants, but I sure enjoyed looking at them.

Kevin and Nate in front of the giraffes.  If you look closely the
baby giraffe is in the back left

Here is the whole giraffe family.  The baby is on the left.
There were two exhibits that especially got his attention. The flamingos and the red panda. The flamingos were very vocal and the color caught his eye. Also, you can stand very close to them so it is easy to make them out. The red panda exhibit was a good one as well because the panda kept walking right by the window back and forth, back and forth and Nate followed him back and forth, back and forth with his eyes. It was cute.

Lunch break by the monkeys

We bought a year long membership and I can't wait to go back with him and explore. Even if he is a little young to really 'get' the zoo, I figure he likes the stroller ride through the trees and around the zoo.