The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Catch Up not Ketchup

Since I don't blog nearly enough I figured I'd do a blog of some random stuff.
Shoes - Let's start with the ongoing shoe saga. Kevin and I went shoe shopping for the little dude. We first went to Payless - BOGO sale - to see what it had in stock. We ended up buying a cute pair of plaid boat shoes and a very soft soled 2nd pair. They seemed like good starter shoes and they were velcro which I figured would be easier to put on his feet. We decided to continue shopping in case we saw something we thought might work out better. We ended up at Stride-rite. The salesperson tried the shoes on Nathaniel and said, 'He is curling his toes'... I replied, 'YEP he tends to do that'. She however managed to get them on fairly fast. They looked cute. She explained the technology of the shoe and we were sold (the sales person at Payless looked confused that I returned something so quickly). Ok, fast forward a few days and I was putting on his shoes for music class. I couldn't get them on. He just sits there staring at me while he super curls his toes. I've decided you need the patience and calmness of the Dalai Lama plus the problem solving ability of Einstein to actually get a pair of tiny shoes on tiny pudgy feet. If you couldn't guess already ... we went to class shoeless. I need a shoe that has a bottom piece that snaps to a top piece or some other clever design. Look how cute the shoes are though :)
Library - We went to the library to return a few books. I decided to go inside and look for a few fun birthday books to check out since he will be the BIG 1 soon. I stood Nathaniel up at this train table that was within 8 feet of where I was looking with the library lady. There was a mom there with her kid who looked about the same age as Nate. I figured he could play with the other little boy. Well, about 30 seconds later I look over and Nate has his pucker lip sticking out (which is something he has done since the very beginning and is quite cute) and some tears forming. I, of course, quickly go over there to see what happened. I knew he didn't fall, etc because I was watching. I talked a bit to Nate and then looked over at the other mom and said 'Hi'. Then Nate started to cry a bit more. The other mom said, ' I don't think he likes my son'. Hahahaha. It kind of made me laugh at first, but then after a few more minutes of observation ... it was indeed true. The other boy would kind of scream on occasion and throw the train down hard and smack the window. Nate just stood in one spot watching him and sort of crying. This is where Nate's lack of *kid/kid* interaction might show up. He just isn't used to another kid being hyper. I hung around until he played a bit on his own to build his confidence and then left. But, I have to admit I chuckled a little bit to myself thinking ...'Nate this will be the first of many people in your life that will annoy you!!'
Books - One of Nathaniel's favorite things to do right now is pull books down off of shelves, nightstands, etc.. I have a small stack of books in several rooms. He loves to pull them off one at a time and watch them crash to the floor. At least he will then sit there and *read* a few too. When I say read, I mean flip through the books at lightening pace. He can't really hold the book and turn the pages himself, but if I'm holding the book boy oh boy he just flips those pages. I am pretty sure he could care less about the story. I think he thinks he might get a prize if he gets to the end the fastest. He does have a few favorites so maybe he is listening to the story :) (Where is baby's Pumpkin?, Feel and touch animals, Peek a who, Hooray for Fish, Baby's Colors and Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Barnyard Dance... just to name a few). He does tend to look through all the books in the stacks. Of course, Kevin reads to him every night from a different stack of books (not board books) and I'm sure Dr. Seuss has a special place in Nate's memory too since those are usually what Kevin picks to read.
On the move - One of Nathaniel's favorite toys right now is his walker. He pushes that thing around all day. He probably makes 50 trips back and forth from his room to the loft back to his room. He still needs help steering around corners, but he is making a lot of progress. When he isn't using his walker he is cruising all around furniture and other easy stuff to walk around. He hasn't really stood on his own yet without leaning on something, but I think he is close to trying.
One cute thing he does while crawling is he will keep something in one hand. Sometimes it is a maraca, sometimes a chew toy, sometimes a stacking cup... but I can tell where he is crawling because it will be crawl, klink, crawl, klink, crawl, klink...
Eating - Nathaniel has had a good pincer grasp for awhile. His problem wasn't getting the food to his mouth, but actually chewing it. Remember I had blogged about him *squirreling* his food? Well he has definitely gotten over that stage. He eats most age appropriate foods really well. I still give him purees just to make sure he is getting a good amount of veggies, fruits etc. but he is a finger food champ. It is fun to give him 3 types of finger foods to see what he'll eat first. Sometimes foods tie like pancake and blueberries, but other times there is a clear winner, cantaloupe over tofu (yes he does eat tofu). He really enjoys melons, those disappear the quickest. Cheese is a close second to melons. He still isn't fond of chicken.
Do you feel caught up...??

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