The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, September 3, 2012

Nautical Nate

My sister always says (and I agree) that I dress Nathaniel a bit like we live in the Hamptons. I think I secretly wish we lived in the Hamptons or anywhere near an ocean or ocean type community. I just really like that super preppy look on boys. Quite often little Nate looks like he could set sail on his yacht at any time. The rest of the time you can usually find him in ASU attire courtesy of his father :)

Well, this past Saturday Nathaniel got to set sail on a yacht for the very first time. Ok, ok it was a pontoon boat on a lake, but still it was his first trip on the open seas (or open lakes). We went to Lake Barkley (I think) by Eddyville, KY. It was by the Land between the Lakes State Park. Our friends from Chicago met us there at a cabin one of their parents own. I had never been to Kentucky so me and Nathaniel experienced a travel destination for the first time together as newbie's. We got to take out their very nice pontoon boat to explore the lake. Kevin sat with Nathaniel at the front and Nate held onto the front rails and just stared out and let the wind hit his face. He just loved it. The water would spray him and he didn't really care much. After a while we sat him out of the direct splash zone, but the kid was a natural on the boat. Now he couldn't quite comprehend the beauty of the Bald Eagles we saw, but I sure did. We got to see quite a few of them. They were so neat. The eagles sat perched on some dead trees and a few flew around above the wooded area. It was really great.

Our hosts treated us to a nice lunch and dinner as well. Nathaniel especially enjoyed all of the toys the cabin had there. Since the owners of the cabin are seasoned grandparents (our friends have a daughter who is almost 3) there were plenty of fun activities for a young kid.

I didn't take any pictures on the boat since I didn't want to get my phone or camera wet, but here is one of Nathaniel's hair after the boat ride (and an outfit change since he was drenched). hahahaha... look at that dooWe had a great time visiting our friends and seeing the sites. It was really fun to take him on a boat for the first time.

This isn't at the lake, obviously, but this is of his first
time enjoying the swing a few weeks ago.  He was a little scared
before, but really enjoyed it this last time.

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