The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 9, 2012

I Want What I Want

Nathaniel's personality continues to come out more and more. As most of you know he is a pretty *happy* guy. We've been pretty lucky I think. I mean I have time limits in stores before he gets antsy and lets me know he is ready to leave. He definitely likes to challenge my patience during diaper changes. That boy flip flops and tries to leave. When you flip him back over he lets you know how much he doesn't like being flipped over. Lastly, he isn't a huge fan of having his face wiped clean during/after feedings. He makes a kind of whiney squinchy face. Other than that I can honestly say he just does his thing and is pretty happy. He doesn't really cry. When he does it is usually because he is tired and I just left him in his crib so that he can try and go to sleep. This cry only lasts a few minutes until he realizes he is tired.
Well, as of late, if you take something away that he is holding and wants to continue holding he throws a bit of a fit. He didn't used to, but apparently now he has an opinion about things. A good example is my sunglasses. He loves to grab my sunglasses off of my face when I'm carrying him outside. (I used to think he was looking at me lovingly while Kevin was holding him, but now I know he was just eyeing up my shades - lil stinker) I used to be able just to grab my glasses back - NOT NOW. He cries and swings his arms back and forth in a tiny person rage. Sometimes I can quickly distract him with an appropriate toy or object to hold, but if I don't have anything the little fit plays out. I am pretty sure I witnessed his first tantrum. I know there are many more to come - I have decided I don't like them.... too bad right... ;)
I have never been able to decipher his cries. In part because he hasn't been much of a crier. Ok, that isn't entirely true, there was the usual *newborn* crying in that first 3 months, but those cries all sounded the same... pretty much like a sad baby. Once he got past that stage he has been generally happy. This new tantrumish cry is a new cry for me and I can actually tell the difference between that and his 'hurt' cry or 'tired' cry. Also, there is the huge clue of me taking something away hahaha :)
An incident occurred the other day that threw Kevin and I for a loop. He just got grumpy and was crying and nothing was working to soothe him. This hasn't ever happened. Seriously, we were looking at each other like 'what do we do', 'what's wrong with him' We had no experience with this behavior. Then the more we thought about it the more we thought.... hhhhmm maybe it is his 6 teeth breaking through his gums. Yes, that's right I said 6! 2 on the bottom and 4 on the top are all peeking through. We would hand him a teether and he'd throw it down. Everything we would hand him he'd throw down. He'd cry if you held him and cry if you put him down. We had never seen this behavior. Finally, I put a cold apple in a teether thing and it calmed him down. Then he took a nap. He woke up in a better mood. That was surely a new cry that I had NEVER seen. (knock on wood) Maybe this was his I don't feel well cry. (knock on wood) I don't know this cry because he hasn't ever been sick. (knock on wood)
The only other new cries are the ones Kevin and I make when Nate the Shark bites your shoulder when you are carrying him. Any body part is fair game if it is near his mouth right now. You quickly say 'no' and he smiles and laughs at you and lunges to bite you again... huh? what is that? I am hoping it is a teething phase. He has only done this a few times, but it is an interesting new development.
Relaxing after a swim lesson

First bath without the baby bath tub

11 month pic


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