The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Mocha turns 6

I was sitting here today thinking about Mocha. We always tease that we can't believe he is 6 because he still acts like a puppy. He still counter surfs, he still likes to eat paper (receipts, mail, etc.), he still would run straight out the front door without stopping, he would still grab your dinner off of your plate even if you were sitting right there, he would steal your shoe and most likely chew it up.... but he also would be great around Nathaniel, he would be great to play fetch with, he would snuggle with you at bedtime, he would make you laugh every single day. As most of you know I always try and support local shelters and try to spread the message about how many homeless animals are out there needing homes. The statistics are sad and yet puppy mills still exist as well as bad pet owners. It saddens me how many people don't train their pets properly and then blame the pet or get too busy (which they should have known before getting a pet) or just think, 'It's just a dog or It's just a cat'
2 people returned Mocha before we got him. The reason the last owner turned him in was because he was too hyper. SHOCKING! A puppy german shorthaired pointer was hyper?!? Of course he was hyper - he is a hunting dog. It amazes me that people don't do their research. All I know is that he looked like he had a good heart - hyper? YES - but a good dog disposition. Yes, most shelter dogs come with baggage. A lot of people are scared to deal with the baggage. As for me, I can't imagine not giving these animals a second chance. I think an animal with baggage (most likely human caused) deserves to be loved and given a chance to thrive. Does it take a bit of extra work to keep mocha from chewing up a few things here or there (his baggage) - Yes - but would I adopt him again - YES YES YES. That little bit of nuisance is nothing compared to the joy he brings us. And now to see how great he is around Nathaniel, makes him even more dear to my heart.
Every animal has something *special* to offer even if its original owners couldn't bring out the *special* in the animal - I am certain someone who cares can! I see this quote quite often and it is so true.
"Saving the life of one animal may not change the world, but the world will surely change for that one animal"

Happy Birthday Mochachino Bandito! We are so glad we found your *special*

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