The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Shoeless Joe Jackson

Or in this case Shoeless Nate Hahm. Shoeless Joe actually got his nickname because he had an *at bat* once where he wore only socks. His shoes were giving him blisters and he felt better with them off. Someone yelled something from the crowd about being shoeless and the nickname stuck shortly after.
Nathaniel owns 2 pairs of shoes. He has worn each pair exactly once and neither time did they give him blisters like Shoeless Joe. It took me ten minutes to put his pair of shoes on the other day, which, in part, is the reason he doesn't wear shoes very often. The other part being he hasn't walked so why does he need shoes?? And one other part is that baby feet are frigin adorable. You have to take in as much cute baby foot as you can before they get bigger and dirtier and feetier.
Back to why it took me ten minutes to put his shoes on the other day. We were headed to the park so I figured it was probably time for him to start wearing some protection on his feet since he likes standing a lot more than before. This pair of shoes is a converse look alike from Old Navy. They are cute. That being said, they are the kind you stretch open and put the foot in. Well Nathaniel scrunches his toes up which makes putting the shoes on practically impossible. He laughs while you are doing it too. I'm not sure if he is laughing because he knows he is making it hard or if because it is ticklish. Either way it is quite the scene. I managed to get them on and we left for the park. They stayed on until the ride home where he managed to kick one of them off.
Now that he is cruising around the furniture and with his walker I figure it is a good time to get a decent pair of walking shoes for him. One with some VELCRO. This should make it a lot easier, at least for me to get them on. I have been hesitant to buy any good shoes because those suckers are expensive. I figure why pay the big bucks for good shoes when he isn't actually walking. I think I'll be making a trip to the store to buy some this weekend though. They will have to be 'Scrunchy toe' proof. :) Another reason is while I was at our weekly music class I noticed he was the only one without shoes. I was starting to think people thought we were dirt people hahaha. Actually most of the kids are older than him and are walking so I'm sure no one thinks a thing, but I did look around and think that. I do know that it is actually good for kids to walk barefoot while they are learning. Also, most kids that live in warm weather almost are always barefoot. On a side note when I was looking around the room I also noticed I was the only one wearing shorts. I know I'm not on the cusp of fashion, but when did people stop wearing shorts when it is hot.... hhhhmmm.
It is weird to think that I will be shoe shopping, but not for me... oh how life has changed. :)

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