The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Pre Bouncy Seat Withdrawal

Nathaniel has had a bouncy seat since the beginning. This is one of those seats with a wire frame that a baby can sit in and just bounce. It is kind of like a baby hammock. We just bought a simple monkey themed one that played music and vibrated. I had no idea how much Nathaniel would like this thing. I had NO idea how much I would come to depend on this thing. He has liked most baby *gear* (swings, exersaucers, walkers, jumpers), but the bouncy seat is a clear favorite.

Something I learned along the way is that not all bouncy seats are the same. They look similar, but definitely bounce differently. We went to Arizona in June and bought a bouncy seat to use at my mother's. It just didn't bounce quite the same. Nate would just sit in it and not do much. It just didn't give him the joy of the monkey one from home. We then borrowed a baby Bjorn one while visiting my sister. I have heard such great things about these. While it was neat, Nate just didn't like how it bounced and mostly sat starring at us while he sat in it. I guess babies get used to a certain soothing motion. His original bouncy seat just makes him the happiest.

I am pretty sure he is at the weight limit or age limit or some limit whereby he shouldn't be using the seat anymore, but I CANNOT bring myself to take it out of the rotation yet. He just still loves to sit in there and bounce and relax. Today he took an hour nap in it! (he missed his morning nap and I had sat him in it while I showered and he fell asleep). Seriously, I am not sure what I am going to do without it. There needs to be a toddler size bouncy seat. I don't have anything to fill this void. I use it when I can tell he needs a little break. I still use it when I need a few minutes to keep him contained while I eat, or do some other little task nearby. He always just sits in it content... bouncing and hanging out.  I'll say it again I REALLY I AM STRESSING OUT about how I am going to replace this seat. (ok I am not super stressing out, but I needed some dramatic visualizations) He loves it, I love it! We will have some major withdrawals when the time comes and we can't use it.

Do you hear that sound? It is me lightly crying at the thought of no bouncy seat. Come on people invent a toddler seat that does the same thing. I guess it is possible me and Nate are the only two people that feel this way and there isn't a market for a toddler bouncy seat... we could make it sound grown up and call it a fun time hammock!
I realized I don't have a recent picture of him in a bouncy seat.  I'll get one tomorrow and add it :)

1 comment:

Kiera and Joe said...

Thinking about you guys!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend celebrating with you almost-1-year old!!! That year just flew by...don't ya think?!?!?