The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Here You Go

Nathaniel has a new thing he does A LOT. He hands you whatever he is holding 'Here you go'. If he is playing with his new egg set he will hand you one. If he is playing with any of his toys he will hand you one. He will hand you a book to read and then grab one for himself. If he is eating he wants to give you a taste of his squished up piece of fruit, bread or whatever. I've noticed he tends to give you the one he doesn't want. If he hands you one he wants he actually will take it back. The dogs love this new behavior since he now holds out food to them. It is impossible to keep the dogs away while he eats now. I mean they are dogs. If someone is going to hand out food you are going to be there for the taking. Nate hands Mocha his dog toy to chew on even. The problem with this is that he kind of shoves it in his face. Luckily Mocha just moves over a bit. Besides not understanding *gentle* with the dogs, Nate hasn't quite learned distance yet. He will try to hand me something from across the room - when I don't grab it he kind of looks disappointed.  He always looks quite pleased with himself after you take his gift ;) 

Nate Note: Nathaniel was standing by the coffee table and Mocha kept walking right by him ... over and over again... Mocha had a toy in his mouth and wanted to play I guess. What was cute though was that Nathaniel would laugh out loud every time Mocha rubbed up against him as he walked by. It was a tight squeeze and he just thought it was so funny. The more Nate laughed the more Mocha would walk by him.

Here are some FALL pictures

A first glimpse at his Halloween costume

He looks like he was trying to be scary like the ghost :)


1 comment:

Kiera and Joe said...

That last picture is probably one of the cutest pictures I have ever seen!! I just want to squeeze him! He is too cute. You need to have a dozen kids! Haha!