The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Nathaniel's Nautical First Birthday

I realize this is 'old news' now, but I wanted to make sure I blogged about it for Nathaniel's sake. I kept putting it off because I figured it would take me awhile to capture what I wanted to remember. Now that it has been 16 days I barely remember what happened ;)
I'll try to summarize and keep it concise (hahaha.. we will see if I'm capable of that)
The Birthday weekend started off with Kevin's parents arriving from Wisconsin for the big event. They were moving back to Florida for the winter and we are pretty conveniently located about midway. Nathaniel always loves all of the attention he gets from Grandma Hahm! I took advantage right away of Grandma/babysitter and ran out to do some last minute errands for the big 1st birthday.
I came back to a SUPER DE DUPER shocking surprise. I walked in holding some bags and looked over to say HI to everyone and then practically gave my self whiplash as I did a double take and saw that my dad was sitting there. I was very excited to see him and have someone on my family's side here to celebrate the big day too. It was very cool. I get a little homesick for my peeps during these special occasions (well lots of other times too) and it just felt nice to have him here. I know it was hard on my sis and mom not to be here :( Why do I live in TN again... hhhmmm??

Grandpa Davis (my dad) and Nate
Kevin and Grandma and Grandpa Hahm (Kevin's parents)
Ok back to the PPPARRTTY
The theme I chose (with some discussion with my sis) was a navy blue and yellow nautical theme.
The decorations and appetizers fit this same theme. Kevin's dad did an excellent job of hanging all of the blue and yellow balloons. The balloons were tied with twine so it looked like nautical rope. I made a banner of Nate as he grew through the year. Kevin's mom (besides helping out with Nate and lots of other stuff) helped to wrap the mini candy bars in yellow striped paper, set up the main appetizer table and make the blueberry/pineapple parfaits... get it... pineapple is yellow and blueberries are blue :) haha. Gourmet popcorn in blackberry (navy blue) and movie theatre butter (yellow) popcorn, crab dip, crackers and cheese and caprese skewers filled the rest of the table.

Nathaniel opened his presents before cake. When I say 'opened', what I mean is I opened them and tried to keep him interested in what was going on. He basically crawled away and was more interested in other stuff, lil stinker. He received so many great gifts from everyone. Music starter set, a vacuum that throws balls, a pull along dog, big blocks, a book, a puzzle, a golf starter set, a plush chica, Bouncy Tigger, his very own ride-in truck with gas pump, an outside sport/slide set, chirping eggs, a green bay shirt (my AZ peeps better send some AZ gear haha), a picture album so Nate can always look at pictures of family... and I'm sure I'm missing stuff... but you get the point... he got SPOILED!
Ava and Nathaniel hanging in the NEW truck Grandma (my mom) gave him.
Then it was time for SMASH cake. I had never heard of SMASH cake until I moved to Tennessee, but I think it has more to do with me not being around kids than living in TN. Basically a SMASH cake is a mini cake just for the 1 year old to smash all over himself. Nathaniel is a bit cautious with stuff so I wasn't sure if he would actually dive in.... but he did. He wasn't completely covered, but he did a good job of trying to turn himself into a blue smurf using the frosting. He especially loved when we sang happy birthday. He smiled the entire time we sang. He liked the attention :)

Smash cake on the left

Before Cake
Mid Cake

Post Cake 

His party was on the 29th so on the 30th (his actual birthday) he had a strawberry shortcake to celebrate his birthday. This is a tradition on my side of the family. My mom had it on her first bday, I had it on mine and now Nathaniel had it for his first birthday. He really liked the strawberries. It was the first time he had them. The Packers won on the 30th too so that made Kevin and his parents very happy! (of course Nathaniel was wearing his new packers shirt he got for his bday)
It was a festive birthday filled with great memories and people. I can't believe how much Nathaniel has grown this first year. It is truly fun to watch a baby turn into a little boy. I just love every day with this little guy. Happy 1st birthday Nathaniel. Mom and Dad love you more than you'll ever know (..."I love you to the moon and back"...)

1 comment:

Kiera and Joe said...

This is such a cute party!! You did a great job...way to go mama! I love the colors, the food, the decor. It looked like a perfect day :) Still can't believe it's been a year since his arrival. Time is going by WAY too fast!