The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, June 10, 2013

Classy Nate

We went to a free concert in the park on Sunday.  It was called ‘Symphony Under The Stars’.  It started at 7pm.  That is close to Nate’s bed time so we were hoping he would last and not get tired/grumpy/antsy.  I really wanted to go since I love classical music and it was the Nashville Symphony that was playing. 
We arrived ½ hour early and the crowd was just starting to fill up.  We picked out a good spot on the lawn – towards the back and near a path for a quick exit if needed.  Kevin and Nate left to explore the nearby playground while I sat and people watched.  Kevin texted at one point that they may never come back since the swing was surely going to beat out classical music.  (He LOVES the swing.  It is actually one of the few things he kind of cries/whines about when you have to go) 
The music started Woo Hoo.  The songs were going to be a mix of classical favorites and famous show scores.  I was excited.  Kevin and Nate showed back up once they heard the music.
At the beginning of the show Nate was all chill sitting on Dad’s lap. 

Bbbbuuttt, that didn’t last long.  He started stepping on to the path behind us then running down the slight hill by our blanket.  Once running into a fellow audience member (whoops).  He ran up to them and touched their back….  Funny guy.  It was a young girl who didn’t care and thought he was cute, but we put a little more effort into containing this ball of energy.  Some snacks distracted him for a bit.  Kevin letting him circle him on the blanket distracted for a bit more.  But, mostly he just wanted to stand behind us on the path and watch people go by.  He did actually look at the musicians playing and he would clap at the end of the songs along with the rest of the audience.  Appropriate clapping was more than I could expect. J

We left a song or two before it ended to get him home at sort of a decent time.  I think overall he enjoyed himself and the music.  His first symphony was a fun, enjoyable success.  Yay!    

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