The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Nose Kisses

What the heck are nose kisses? I believe most people know them as Eskimo kisses. I have been calling them nose kisses. I did it once, just out of the blue, and Nathaniel thought it was pretty funny. I did it a couple of more times and he just caught on and likes to do it :)
Now, you are probably thinking... big deal. Kids do a million cute little things like nose kisses. Well, I'm here to say it stepped up a level of cuteness so I had to blog about it.
Usually in the morning we all head to my room so I can shower and get ready. When I say 'we all' I mean me, Kona, Mocha and Nathaniel. Nathaniel kind of mosies around while I do my thing. The dogs usually jump on the bed and stay out of the path of Nate. It didn't take them long to learn that if they didn't want to be laid on, poked at or have stuff put on them they better go to higher ground. Well, when they lay on the bed they tend to keep their heads towards the edge of the bed (not sure why) but it usually happens that way.
So do you get the scene? 2 dogs on the bed, one little boy goofing around and me getting ready as I watch and make sure nothing dangerous is happening. I was pleasantly surprised to look over today to see Nathaniel giving Mocha Nose kisses. He would rub his nose to Mochas a few times and than look over at me. He did it a couple of times. Then he moved over to Kona. I thought to myself this should be interesting. I figured Kona would snub him right away and move, but Kona enjoyed the nose kisses too.
This is one of those things that catches you off guard. It was so innocent and pure. No one told him to do it, he didn't see anyone else do it. This little boy just thought 'hey I am going to nose kiss the dogs.'

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