The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, June 24, 2013

Father's Day

I know I mention Kevin here or there in my blogs, but mostly in a goofy (hopefully endearing) kind of way. I fail to mention how good he really is at being a dad, both to Nathaniel and to the dogs. When you think of marrying someone a lot of people think about how good of a parent your spouse will be. It definitely was something I thought about. He was always so great with Mako so I knew he'd be a pretty good pet parent and maybe someday a kid parent. Granted it took us a very long time to be a kid parent (no comments from the peanut gallery please).
I can remember one father's day when we were living in Vienna, Virginia he was a little sad because he figured we weren't having kids and it hit him that he'd never be a dad. I had the exact same feelings on a few mother's days so I knew what he was feeling.
Luckily, he is now a dad!
And boy is Nathaniel lucky to have him as a dad. I hate admitting it, but that boy is a total daddy's boy and has been for awhile. He just cannot get enough of Kevin. Nathaniel can feel how much Kevin loves him in all that they do. Kevin is as excited to see Nathaniel when he gets home as Nathaniel is to see him. I know Kevin is tired from working all day, but that doesn't stop him from bucking up and giving 100% to that boy (and me a much needed break). It isn't out of some sort of obligation or guilt either, he loves being with him and just loving on him. You might think 'he could be putting on an act', but it is so apparent and genuine if you watch them together, plus Kevin isn't that good of an actor ;)
I will be doing something downstairs, or upstairs, or somewhere I do stuff and I can hear the laughter. One of the best sounds in the world is hearing that laughter. They are always goofing off doing something fun. I love it. Kevin makes sure he squeezes every minute out of every night. Baths take longer than they should, the bedtime routine takes longer than it should, playtime outside goes on forever.... but it is only because Kevin wants to make sure he spends time with the little guy. The little guy doesn't realize how lucky he is to have a dad that just can't get enough of him, but he will someday. Nathaniel will grow up knowing he is loved and that is so special. 

I didn't go in to detail about how much Kevin still spoils the dogs, but anyone who knows Kevin knows the dogs haven't lost any attention since Nathaniel's arrival.  He continues to make sure they are overly cuddled, walked and have sufficient luxuries.  I guess good pet parents = good kid parents!!

So on this Father's Day I wanted to make sure everyone knew how lucky Nate and I and the dogs are for having Kevin around. I certainly don't say it enough. 

Happy Father's Day.


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