The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, June 21, 2013

The Good Life

Every once in awhile I find myself sitting somewhere just thinking.... 'This is the good life'. I mean, it is really the good life. I am sitting here with my handsome son, eating lunch, watching flamingos... not a care in the world except making sure that little boy and me have a good time. I was especially thankful because I had heard someone annoyingly complaining at Starbucks. They mentioned it was taking too long for their drink (no mention of having to be anywhere). I just wanted to say, really, 2 minutes??, 2 minutes??, you do realize you are getting a delicious coffee at the end of 2 minutes right? You do realize you can afford a delicious coffee, right? You do realize that you aren't in a horrible car crash or have cancer or a million other things worth complaining about, right?
If you look around you'll notice people really do complain about stupid things. If everyone spent that effort and time just being grateful maybe it would be nicer, just nicer. However nicer would work in your world, wouldn't nicer be great? We really do take for granted all the good things going on around us. Everyone is in a different situation, but there is almost always a lot better stuff then bad stuff. So why do we let the bad stuff take up so much time?? I know that sounds cliche, but it's true. I think for a lot of people it is just easier to be in a complainy bad mood (we've all been there).
But, I like when I have those moments of clarity, like today. Sure I could dwell on regrets, my constantly not finished to-do list, my procrastinated goals, hating stupid people, or I could choose to look at my son/my life and enjoy the day. I find it is quite refreshing to push aside the things that litter my mind that I won't remember in a year, next month, next week even... and choose to just give in to the day. I can thank Nathaniel for that gift.
Side Note: Nathaniel has found the perfect seat in the house. It's every window sill. The window sill's are the perfect Nate height. 

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