The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Nice or Annoying?

I am catching up on some holiday topics... so please forgive the timeliness. :)

There is one thing that people always do at Starbucks near the holidays. Do other fellow Starbucks addicts know what I'm going to say? It is always in the drive thru. Someone will pay for the person's order in the car behind them. This is a seemingly nice gesture because that person has now bought his order plus the person's behind him. BBBUUTTT, what happens is now the person who got the free order feels obligated to buy the order of the person behind him... so this goes on and on until somebody just accepts the free order and breaks the chain. At first it sort of seems like a nice thing - the original thought is nice. The original starter indeed gave something away, but I always feel bad for the person that ordered a regular coffee (~$2) and then offers to pay for the person behind him who ordered 2 sandwiches and 2 fancy latte's (~$16). In the end only the first person and the last of the chain really gain anything. I did try and think deeper... maybe the person who breaks the chain really needed the few extra bucks...This would make the chain meaningful since everyone just buys the order until the chain gets to the person actually in need. BBBUUUTT, you probably aren't in line at sbux if you really needed to save those few bucks so that theory was quickly crushed.

Anyway, because I can't figure out a better theory I always get a little annoyed by this holiday sbux holiday tradition. Maybe I just feel bad because we are usually the $16 dollar people buying a $2 coffee for the person behind us. Kevin on the other hand doesn't mind it at all. He said it feels like the holidays. He feels good buying someone else's order. Maybe it is just me. Maybe I'm really a Ba Humbug. What do you guys think?

On a side note - going through the sbux drive through is essential since I really enjoy peppermint mochas during the holidays. The Christmas season starts once I have that heartwarming drink. Kind of like fall starts once I have a pumpkin spice donut from Dunkin Donuts YUMMY! The sbux on carothur's actually knows me and Nate. Nate is a regular before he can even drink hot chocolate. They (they being only a girl or two that usually man the drive thru) watched me grow through the pregnancy and were excited once I had Baby Hahm. They know the dogs too!

Nate Note: Sometimes Nathaniel's baby babble sounds like other words. It is fun to try and pick a similar phrase or word and then repeat it back to him. One of our favorites is when his babble sounds like "Ohhhh Yeah". This one happens a lot.

In my new outfit from Grandma Hahm

Looking stylish in my new peacoat and shirt from Aunt Krista. 
He looks like a baby lawyer :) I love it!!

1 comment:

Krista said...

I have experienced the Starbucks situation that you are talking about and I must not have been aware that you are supposed to pass it on so I must always be the one who stops it! haha! Plus I do not think anyone was ever behind me in the drive thru....I am usually there quite early.