The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 1, 2012


First, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a joyous New Year!! We sure did. Well, I was asleep by 10pm on New Years so basically the only one awake at midnight was Kevin. Even the dogs were asleep on the couch with me. The holidays with an infant is a new type of celebrating :)

One piece of good news is that I have my new computer battery, which is a nice way to start out 2012. I know, I know... I am basically a stranger, it has been FOREVER since I blogged. Quick summary - my hair seems to still be falling out in bushels - BOO!!!, Nate is still not sleeping during the day (no daytime naps-well he takes a cat nap or two on my lap), Dogs have been enjoying nice weather, Kona has figured out how to get in through the baby gate and now out of it as well, Kevin and I could still use more sleep... uummmm that just scratches the surface. I have been jotting down all of the things I want to blog about and my list is getting quite long. I figured I'd throw those blog teasers out though just to get things started in the new year. Now on to today's topic - resolutions.

This is the time of year everyone sets the tone for themselves for the upcoming year. They set the tone by deciding what resolutions they want to achieve. I myself have never been a resolution type gal. I always just go with the flow, I figure I should already be trying to do stuff I want to do every day, right? I know there are flaws with this method. One flaw is that it is nice to refresh your life vision once a year, I get that. It is hard to move forward if you have no way of knowing if you are moving forward rather than sideways or backwards. This is where a once a year assessment is helpful. Not that sideways is necessarily a bad thing and maybe backwards isn't always bad either (sometimes with a stick shift you have to roll backwards before you actually move forward). Another flaw is that maybe I don't achieve as much because I haven't thought about 'reach' resolutions. A 'reach' resolution is one that would be tremendous to have happen, but probably out of reach. There is the realist in me - I guess I should never consider anything 'out of reach'... yada yada... unicorns and leprechauns exist too ;)

Ok, well if I'm being totally honest, Kevin and I do have at least one conversation where we talk about some things we'd like to do or do better in the upcoming year. I guess we have some loosey goosey resolutions. Maybe one of mine should be not to use the phrase loosey is fun to say. The usual suspects are always discussed: 1) Be healthier whether through eating, exercise or mental happiness. 2) Be kinder to everything, strangers, animals, your spouse, yourself. 3) Be more organized 4) Volunteer, read more, drink less caffeine, stop picking your nose in your car (this is still considered a public place). I threw the last one in to see if you were still reading (if you didn't see this maybe you should add 'Don't rush through things' to your resolution list :) haha. Anyway, you get the point. I always hope to become a better, happier, more giving person each year and I really hope I try every day to achieve that through whatever means necessary.

That being said, I did tell Kevin one of my goals for 2012 was to 'keep the kid alive'. I figure I am so green at taking care of an infant that if I can just do everything in my power to help the little guy survive that would be a great goal. Kevin did not like that goal at all. He was like," that is as high as you set your sights - just keeping him alive. I expect more" hhhhmmm I guess he is right. My new goal is to make him a baby genius (wink, wink).... hhhmmm that might be a 'reach' resolution.. I take that back he can definitely be a genius, I did buy him the infant chemistry set for Christmas and a periodic table to stare at in his crib.

Someone posted this quote from the Arizona Republic on facebook today and I thought it was worth sharing.  Whatever resolutions you have or have not set I wish you the very best 2012 has to offer.  **cheers** to the new year.

"Enough with the guilt-ridden 'I must fix my life' New Year's resolutions. They don't help. There's nothing wrong with you. Sure, pick a goal. Do it. You're capable. But no more beating yourself up. Take a breath. See the good in yourself. The phrase is not 'have a guilty new year.' The biggest word in 'happy new year' is 'happy.'" - Diane Porter, The Arizona Republic

This is Nate celebrating the Packers win today

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