The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday Sleepies and Sleep Dilemma

Weekends have become a little more familiar now that we have acclimated to having a baby around. We do most of our pre baby activities, but now we just plan (something we never do) and clump activities/errands around Nathaniel's eating schedule. This seems to be working for the most part. We actually make it to Home Depot or Costco now without much ado. Since my dad has been here we have taken Nate to several restaurants and I am starting to get a feel for how to do that as well. We even managed a bottle feeding, dart game and dinner at a sports bar the other night... yep I know 'a baby, a baby in a bar' ;) It was early and no smoking allowed.

The problem with all the action on the weekend is that by Monday the little guy is exhausted. I am not even sure why since he gets the same amount of sleep. I think it is because of all the extra stimulation. Just the looking around and observing all of the new places. That little baby brain is sucking in all the knowledge it can reasonably absorb. It probably is quite exhausting don't you think? Do you remember me mentioning he loves to look at ceiling fans? Well we took him to the fan department in Lowe's so he could look up at all of the fans there...funny huh. It was a cheap disneyland. He was in awe, I could tell by the look in his eyes! We did that awhile ago, we definitely need to go there again because I bet he would get an even bigger kick out of it. Anyway, Monday comes around and Nate is completely off schedule. He naps on occasion for what is a marathon amount of time for him, which throws off his entire eating schedule for 2/3 of the day. This is where I start having a mom dilemma. Maybe I could call it a dilemoma!

Do you let the baby keep sleeping and throw off his schedule for a day (at most two) thinking he needs the sleep or do you wake him up? I have tried both, but haven't felt strongly about either. If I wake him he tends to feed poorly since he isn't mentally into it. If he feeds poorly I figure what is the point. But, if he sleeps he is off schedule. I have kind of chosen to let him sleep since he does usually get back to his routine for the rest of the week. I always stand around staring at him while he sleeps with this dilemoma.

If he got enough sleep EVER I wouldn't hesitate to wake him, but he is still on the low side of sleep. BTW, my forced nap around 10am has been working for the most part and I have noticed a second sleepyish pattern in the late afternoon. Granted it is usually a short cat nap, but it is a start. Little Nate doesn't want to miss any daytime action I guess. Yep, me and the dogs are THAT exciting.

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