The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, January 9, 2012

Picasso Body Proportions

Pablo Picasso was known for several things in the art world, but one is his part in creating the Cubist movement. Cubism art usually breaks things up and reassembles images in distorted ways. It is this crazy reassembly of images that makes me think of body proportions. After being pregnant you think a lot about your pre and post body proportions. I'll admit I have a little less in some places and a little more in others, but overall I couldn't be happier and don't really have too many complaints. It isn't my own body proportions I want to talk about though... it is Nate's. Baby bodies are hilarious when you think of them as compared to grown up bodies. Kevin and I laugh quite often when Nate does something that makes the proportions even more noticeable.

There are two that stand out the most to me. First, is arm length. You notice the arm length the most when he does his post sleep baby stretches. He reaches as far and high above his head as he can and just stretches. Well, although he is stretching as far as he can, his arm length barely clears his head. Try it yourself, reach above your head... see how high your arms go... making this baby proportion a little funny. Over the past few weeks we have noticed his arms are getting a little longer, but they have a ways to go before being the standard proportion.

Second, is that super kissable belly. Man, does that cute belly look big. It is like he swallowed a ball. One thing that really cracks us up is when you put baby pants on him. For some reason, no matter what, Nate looks like an old man baby. His pants get pulled above the belly and it makes us chuckle every time. If you pair old man baby pants with a polo shirt and leave the polo shirt unbuttoned he then looks like a 'Soprano'. Add some chest hair and a gold chain and wah-la. Anyway, I digressed, regardless that belly proportion has Picasso written all over it. I sometimes say in a sweet happy voice, "How is my chumba wumba?" and kiss his belly. It almost always provokes an excited smile or reaction from Baby Nate.

A distant third is those baby calves. They are so skinny (and a little curved). This brings me to another subject... I still ponder why newborn socks have gripper bottoms. In what situation would a baby be in to possibly require a better grip on the floor. I sort of get it as they start trying to turn or crawl or 'inch worm' their way somewhere, but in that first month or two I think gripper socks are only for over achievers ;)

Nate Note: The Elvis. The Elvis look has its roots with Kona. Kona has always had this look where one of her lips gets stuck up by her gums. We always say to her, "Thank you, thank you very much" in our best (probably bad) Elvis impression. Or fittingly sing.."I ain't nothing but a hound dog, barking all the time" Kona probably has an Elvis moment at least once a day. Well, to keep up with family traditions Nate does *The Elvis* as well. See the picture below of Nate's Elvis. I still have to get a good pic of Kona doing the Elvis and then I'll post it. When Nate was a week or two old me and my sister would say he was giving us the 'Popeye', but the popeye eventually turned in to *The Elvis*. The Popeye, as you would guess, was where he would look at you with only one eye open. His tear ducts were a little goopy at first so we think the goo sometimes kept his eye shut, regardless he looked like popeye. The Elvis is a much cuter, healthier look :)

This pic is a little older, but it is the best *Elvis* we've captured

This isn't quite Kona's Elvis, but it is a funny lip pic


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