The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Not a Vampire

As I thought back over the last 3 3/4 months I realized something; this something should have me yelling *Thank you* from the rooftops to Nate. Even though he was all baby and had middle of the night feedings he pretty much has always been a night sleeper. Even when he wakes to feed in the middle of the night he goes back to sleep. There is definitely some wiggling, but overall a pretty quick trip to dreamland. Nowadays (knock on wood) he is sleeping from about 8/9pm until about 5/6am, which is great. Granted I'm not a morning person so 5/6 am feels REALLY foreign to me, but wow 9 hours of solid sleep is so great! And to top that off he usually will sleep for about another 2 hours after that early morning feeding YAY. I don't get quite as much sleep as Nate because I still go to bed around 11ish (not smart I know) I should be grabbing any sleep I can get. I learn my lesson on some days when I look and feel like a slug.

I should be thanking him though because I have heard horror stories of people up all night in those first few months. I did and will continue not to take Nate's non-vampirish ways for granted. I say non-vampirish because although he sleeps all night he doesn't sleep during the day. Kind of circle of logic isn't it. He probably sleeps so well at night because he doesn't sleep at all during the day. I don't get much done during the day because he doesn't like to nap, but I'd rather have him up during the day than at night. I am trying to track some sleepy periods during the day with the hope that I can start to force a nap a day. I'll keep you updated on my success. Even my friend Kelly was like - wow he really doesn't sleep. You'd think he'd be all grumpy because he'd be tired during the day, but he isn't really (I'm thankful for that too). Now I'd be remiss if I didn't mention his *cat naps*. He does take a cat nap or two or three after eating. He will lay on my lap and sleep for about 20-30 min. I just let him since this is the only other sleep he really gets.

Side Note: Why are they called cat naps and not dog naps. You should see how many naps my dogs take! I'm going to google that and report back :)

Anyway, back to sleeping. Since he rolls now he does toss and turn a bit and is sleeping more on his stomach and side, which partly terrifies me. I'm constantly checking to make sure he can breathe. This new development may change his sleeping patterns (and mine since I wake up to check on him - sub conscious I guess), but I have my fingers crossed that it doesn't and I'd be thankful if you cross your fingers for me too.

So THANKS Nate for letting your mom and dad grab some much needed shut eye!

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