The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 17, 2013

First Easter Egg Hunt

I have had Nathaniel on an intense egg hunt training regimen for weeks.  I'd time his egg finding abilities and try to shave seconds off his time.  He'd look at me impressed with his time and I'd yell, 'NO, faster... Let's Go Again!'   I'd make him find only certain color eggs.  If he got the wrong color I'd throw it down on the ground in a fit of rage and say, 'This is light blue, I said regular blue' Even though he isn't even 3 ft tall there were eggs hidden at 4ft.  After 49 hunts he looked thirsty, but he knew he only got water after 10 hunts that beat the 1 min mark. 3 hrs a day, 7 days a week we've practiced.  It all boiled down to March 16 at 1400 hours.  This was where our hard work would pay off.

The neighborhood HOA's annual Easter Egg Hunt.     
We left early to make sure we got there in time for Nate to stretch.  He cruised up in his yellow/blue truck hoping to intimidate the others. (of course dad was pushing, but he steered like he was driving the truck on his own)

When the Easter bunny first showed up Nate was really thrown off his game.  I think the pressure of the hunt was finally becoming real.  He hid from the bunny behind Kevin's legs for awhile.  I want to say the bunny scared him, but I really think Nate just wanted to stay focused on the upcoming egg hunt.  He managed to avoid the Easter bunny the entire time.  Good strategy I think. 

The Easter bunny called his age group *Up to 3 years old*  Nathaniel and I sized up the competition.  There were a couple of kids older and a few younger.  Some had sandals - SANDALS! - we laughed and knew we had the edge against them.  Nate was armed with super duper aero dynamic tennis shoes.  There were flags outlining the boundary of the egg hunt.  Nate decided to play up his age (or lack there of) and innocently walk along the boundary... every once in awhile crossing the flag line.  Yes, he scouted the eggs before the race.  It did seem like he was more interested in the flags than the eggs, but I think it was all part of the *act*   
Uh, nothing going on here - but I'm pretty sure there is an egg there
The egg hunt was about to begin.  I reminded him of our training.  I reminded him that 2nd place is the first loser.  I then recited Herb Brooks 'Miracle on Ice' speech... you know the one .." Great moments are born from great opportunity.... yada yada...This is your time.  Now go out there and take it"  Then it happened.  The Easter Bunny yelled 'Ready, Set, Go'

I believe he was still playing up the innocent act so I joined in and pointed to an egg or two to get him started. 
He quickly picked up speed.  One, two, three eggs...

Then something crazy happened.  Stuff fell out of the egg.  We didn't practice for this scenario.  I could only hope our hours of preparation would help him handle the challenge alone.  He was distracted.  He fell to his knees and played with the jelly beans all spread across the grass.  Then the grass distracted him.  The dry grass was sticking to his hands.  (his hands were probably sweaty with anticipation for the hunt).  'Look alive out there' I yelled.  He got up and the hunt was back on. 

We came, we conquered! 
More eggs, gimme more eggs
That was SO FUN - time for a nap

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