The scribblings of my life as I transition from a DONK (Dog Owner No Kids) to a..... DOK.
A little bit about daily life, dogs, pregnancy and now motherhood.

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Wave

Such a simple gesture, but one which has eluded Nathaniel. We show him all the time. When Kevin goes to work we always exaggerate it just so he sees us doing it. I really just don't think he cares that someone is leaving. He is never alone without one of us. Ever. Seriously. With very few friends and no family around he hasn't really ever been babysat. 4 times I think in total (Once in phx by my sis when Kevin and I went to Wal-mart, Once by my friend Meredith when Kevin had a conflict with an appt I had scheduled, Once by my mom when Kevin and I met my dad out for some gambling in Laughlin and Once by Kevin's parents when we went to dinner - and the last two were after he went to bed). I really think he doesn't believe it is necessary to say goodbye because one of us is always with him. This goodbye/hello seems like a waste of time to him I guess. I can see him thinking to himself, 'yeah whatever you guys never leave' Through the months he has hinted at knowing what we are doing, but never a full wave.
Now, I know he gets it when someone shows up and leaves. He grasps the concept. For instance when he hears the garage open when Kevin is getting home from work he yells 'Dad, dad, dad' very excitedly. Another example is how he pauses when Kevin shuts the door in the morning to leave, but resumes playing once he hears the garage close.
Just recently there may have been a breakthrough.... he must be finally tired of us showing him how to wave and figured he better just do it so we'll get over it already :)
I took this video for another reason, but discovered the elusive wave has been captured. We went to the zoo on Saturday and this is him on the carousel (a detail I'm sure you would have figured out on your own). Side Note: Nathaniel was most interested in collecting rocks along the zoo pathways rather than actually looking at any animals. He LOVES rocks. We went to an animal show with birds flying around and he was in the back collecting rocks. Goofy kid.

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